HELLO, WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 19, 2002 09:39

Ooooo-eeee! My first LJ entry. This is the beginning of a new era: not only am I finally in the LJ community, but I also successfully installed DSL at home last night. Well, Andrew did most of the work, I just talked to the tech support guys when it didn't work quite right.

It's funny, I've been bubbling over with so much to say lately, but this writing interface is so dull, I feel uninspired.

I suppose I should introduce myself to you, my adoring masses. Yes, I'm an intolerable narcissist, especially when in Manic Mode. The mental illnesses I'm closest to having are: Manic-Depression, (life is more of a roller coaster for me than you) Sociopathy, Schizophrenia (I do have my very own dreamworld, and no, you're not allowed in) and Lycanthropy. Lycanthropy's my favorite of those. I was diagnosed with Opposite Disorder some time ago (you say potAYto, I say potAHto while I'm bashing your brains in with a tea kettle). Though I was not diagnosed with Manic-Depression at that time, it makes far too much sense in retrospect. It kicked in during adolescence, though it may have existed in a milder form when I was younger. Everybody has good and bad phases. Mine just seem *really* intense, and I switch from really up to really down quite quickly.

It's OK, though. I'm an artist, and I have yet to meet a very creative artist who wasn't some flavour of insane. Most of us seem to have emotional-type disorders . . . makes sense, since we're tapping passions most people try to distance themselves from. I have a place where some of my art is on display, but I can't remember how to do that ahref jammie. Yeah, I'm a graphic artist, but I do Dreamweaver! I don't hafta know no stinkin' HTML! Oops. Shouldn't have said that. Now John will never let me be part of his stable of webmonkeys. Oh well.

That's a tiny intro, anyway. Let me see how that looks. And what my damn purple kitty looks like. Oh, and don't talk to me about my stupid picture! I don't have a photo-editing program here, I'll change it when I get home!!!!!

psych, idonotlikepeas, shapeshifter, mania, artist

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