Sep 25, 2005 09:24
Well, hopefully that email to my players didn't come off as ultra-bitchy. I was kinda going for quasi-bitchy . . . but it's words on a screen, people will read them as angrily or as nicely as the voice inside their head that reads words will let them.
It sucks, though.
It sucks to not really like working 20 hours a week, and then to go from many months of unemployment to 50+ hours per week.
It sucks to take a class in something you aren't great at, and have a hard time wrapping your head around the basic concepts. Makes you feel stupid and bad, even though you know you aren't.
It sucks to hardly get to see your husband of ultimate awesomeness. During the week, he'd have to get up ridiculously early or you'd have to stay up ridiculously late to, like, hang out much.
It sucks, doing your first team sport, choosing the easiest, most relaxed level, and still feeling like the weakest link, the one whose fault every loss is.
It sucks, having one of your relaxing weekend/free time activities being almost as stress-inducing as the rest of the shit.
It sucks, when your general stress level is so high that, for the first time in your life, excess stress begins to store itself in your back. Ohhhhh, this is why most people are ready for a massage at any time, anywhere. Wow, this hurts a lot. No wonder most people drink so much alcohol.
And then, to put the final frosted rose on the cake, it sucks to have your absoulute best option for de-stressing be a game that nobody's playing. Not even your husband of ultimate awesomeness. Three to five people are quasi-active on the boards. That's it. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
Somebody from far away coming to visit me for a bit of next week emphatically does not suck, though. Gotta do one more Roundabout post and keep cleaning. Actually, I'm pretty annoyed, writing this. I think I'll just go clean.
art school,
hidden flame,