Ack! I just found out that Man Ray, one of the best clubs in the area, is closing July 30th. This month is just as busy as June, but I miraculously have no plans for Friday night.
So I'm going to
Virtue & Vice at Man Ray on Friday. I don't really tend to think of morality- or anything else- in black and white terms, so I'm not sure what I'll go as. Blind Justice? The scales would get annoying, I need to think of something that's dance-friendly. I can always just go as Kat, as a fallback. Her wings aren't well-crafted, but they're close enough to my body to not smack my fellow dancefloor denizens too badly.
I had such a great string of days. I mean, I can't really call it a weekend if it started on Thursday. And this week promises just as many delights and frustrations. I can't promise a full writeup, but if I do a list I'll at least have that to read in my old age. (I am staring 30 in the eye, after all.)
- Sat in a jacuzzi with three hot men. We were all nude, and the two who weren't my old friend kissed me. (I'm sure this must've been a high school fantasy of mine.) One gave me the flirtingness I'd been aching for. Well, he's inconveniently a boy, but eventually I'll get to flirt with a non-boy. I'm sure I will. I don't have "only likes boys" written on my forehead, do I? Do I?? WASH OFF, DAMN YOU!!!
- Measured, lost an inch last month. Nice.
- Played Hailie. Played the fuck out of Hailie. Probably Hailie's best game, ever. Friday night, she smoked two joints- one with each brand-new Cub. And immediately after the second, people were calling for a story. So Hailie told a tale, but she was so stoned that she forgot the names of everyone in it except the Sept Alpha. (One of the STs asked if I wanted a Mental chop, but I declined . . . there's no way she'd remember in that state.) The next day, Hailie got to plan and throw a rave, all by herself! People gave her money and Influence, but she made every decision. So sweet. I designed a flyer for it and everything.
- Got that fucking fairie plot over with, as well as the fucking Megadon plot. Not sure which of those I'm more relieved to have finished: Megadon, probably. It's amusing to think that in the grand story of the Fall of the Dark Lord, Elutul played the role of the sidekick who got debilitated by the bad guy, but was there in the end to rally the leader on. Hey, he had one less Willpower Trait because of me, so I did something!
- Said goodbye to a close friend. Odd to think that he's reading this very far away. I know he'll be back for visits, but it hasn't quite sunk in yet that he's gone. I'm used to seeing him many times a week, and right now there's just a part of me that thinks he's just been busy. "Gone" will take a while to fully realize. I know, he'll visit, I love any excuse to travel, but . . .
- Finally did the Ragabash Alpha challenge. Elutul "lost", but it was really a draw: we're both so fucking clever that we danced around each other. She has a new reason to be pissed at Brains-of-Steel . . . bad timing, because I know he's feeling picked on IC and OOC. I'd much rather be on his side, but I can't be, right now.
Maybe that's all I needed to say. Well, that was my string-of-days.