Good Gods, am I ever procrastinating. You'd think that, as someone who had to study the psychology of procrastination several times in school, I'd be able to calmly reason myself through it. I'm not working on the cover letter because I want this job a fuck of a lot. If I don't start working 'til right before the due date, then it'll be crappy and I won't have to take the ego hit that I would if I tried my damndest and got turned down.
They might turn me down, anyway, because this is such a high school/college student type of summer gig . . . but again, that's save yourself the ache of rejection type of thinking. Also, just because I remember most of my camp counselors being pretty young, that doesn't mean they all were.
I'm even procrastinating against a well-paying odd job because the guy thinks that getting my resume/cover letter/samples in early trumps helping him out. He thought I'd get it done in an hour last night and then come over. HA!
I can't do a cover letter yet, there's lots of Goblet of Fire pictures to peruse. Not sure why I'm so keenly anticipatiing this one. They've already made a (wonderful fabulous gorgeous stunning thrilling I-wanna-fly-on-a-hippogriff-right-this-minute) movie of my favorite book, but 4 & 5 are a lot of fun in their increasingly intricate plots and continued character development of a few hundred really cool witches & wizards. I wish, more like a few dozen. That's what make the rpgs so fun to read, seeing peoples' interpretations of various minor student characters. I love books like Salem's Lot where you get to know an entire town through the course of the book. I guess it's the Playmobil fan in me.
Oooh, that's a carrot! After I finish one decent draft of this stoopid cover letter, I will let myself play with my Playmobil. The circus set, I think, since I'm still sad about missing Ringling this year. :( Well, the circus I'll play with soon will have elephants and lions and RABBITS! Ringling has a terrific variety of gorgeous animals, but they don't have a single luscious lagamorph.
Oh, and there's a Lub-Dub performance coming up. They won't have rabbits, either, but I'd still like to go if it's doable. Coming down for that,