(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 22:22

So . . . first I thought I'd run a Wraith game at Arisia, or an In Nomine game . . . .

Then I thought, I'll have to run some sort of a Changeling game, I won't be able to summon a gloomy mood at Arisia . . .

Then I thought, I should adapt Changeling to make a Harry Potter game! Yeah!

And while that's a great idea, I just don't have time to deal with creating the mechanics and characters and shit.

Besides, what I REALLY want is to promote the hell outta Roundabout. I love my player base, but I have 9 active players and 6 inactive ones. I don't want 50 active players, but I could easily handle 16, I think. Maybe 20.

So . . . I'm running a Roundabout game at Arisia. Yes, my players could come and earn a little bit of XP. But the main point is to be a teaser for the game itself. If my players were super-enthusiastic, maybe I'd help them make characters and give them detailed instructions for registering on the boards.

I could at least make packets for very interested players to take with them.

Anyway, I have to let the gamer coordinator know what's going on, and then I have ten or eleven days to get an NPC-driven plot written. Or at least, several possible plots. I'll tell ALL my players about this in a day or two, when I get things more finalised in my head.

Hee hee hee. I think I'll let Jasmine be the plot-monkey-Eshu, this time. Or possibly Flower. I adore Flower, and I haven't gotten to use her yet. Oooh, if my main character is Flower for this story, I could ST in my skunk costume! ROCK!

Yeah. Let's do this thing. Hope it isn't too late to register a game.

harry potter, roundabout, changeling, arisia, roleplaying

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