(no subject)

Nov 16, 2004 00:50

Finished the Roundabout graphics (or at least the first draft), but I felt odd mailing them off. I feel some trepidation: I have a funny feeling the black background will look dumb against the navy blue/white gradient. But I guess I'll just have to see.

Coyote wanted me to state this in a public place:

"It would be like a basketball player trying to catch dwarves."

Once again, context would ruin everything. *yawn* Sore. Like my 6th graders, but could do with less of them. There are 14 right now. The ones who want to do things get so annoyed at the three or four troublemakers. Because I had to spend so much time with the troublemakers, and only spent about ten minutes on the main lesson. Actually, this lesson was so easy they didn't even need the full ten minutes. And they loved it. Kids loving math. Go figure.

I think I'm gonna go see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban tomorrow night. It's playing at the IMAX. Can't wait to see a three-story Hippogriff.

One of my kids didn't believe me when I told them I was a huge Eminem fan.

"Oh yeah? What's his new song?"

"'Just Lose It', but it's hardly new. I think the next one will be . . ."

He cut me off with other questions, but they were all really easy. I should've shot back a few of my own, but I couldn't think of any easy ones. We aren't there to belittle the kids, after all. 3rd graders tomorrow, day off Wednesday, 3rd graders again on Thursday, hopefully hanging with beetiger on Friday (car looks doubtful, I'll have to look into buses to the Foxwoods casino which kinda kills my hopes for getting to go to that roleplaying store in Western CT, if it even still exists . . . sigh), 7th and 8th graders on Saturday. Hope I'm not condescending to them, I'm spending the rest of my week with young 'uns.

I should go sleep now, before my body gets any stupid ideas about staying up all night.

coyote, harry potter, roundabout, travel, kaplan, eminem, work

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