Youmacon is in 3 days! I'm super excited for it. I don't have a job right now [which I'm looking to remedy for the winter] and I'm a full time student so...yeah, I need money and this con coming at the PERFECT time. Although I'll probably still spend half the money I make, oops. oh well.
I've been working on Dissidia keychains because I'm obsessed with that game right now [it's so fun!]
I colored the first 5, now I have 5 more to go! All of which I plan on doing tomorrow because I need to start cutting them out/laminating them asap.
In other news, I'm almost done with all my applications to med school! I have 3 left [although I'm still not sure I want to do the last one...but I might as well], two of which are pretty much done I just have to print everything out and mail them in. I'll probably get that done tomorrow or Wednesday. As for the third, I haven't looked at it yet and it's not due till january so waiting a few more days really shouldn't hurt, lol. but I do want to get all of them off my plate finally so...I'll work on it this week n' such.
Alas it looks like I will not have a halloween picture done by halloween AGAIN. I always tell myself I'll get one done and I would have this year...but Youmacon is halloween weekend and I've been preparing my keychains/prints so..probably ain't gonna happen...but I might draw some lineart at least *shrug*