It's been a while since I've updated/been on LJ at all. I've been suppperr busy filling out secondary applications for med school...which is tons of fun. Basically you have to apply to med school twice, lol. You fill out a primary application online [which takes foreverrr] and that is sent to all the medical schools in the U.S. that you apply to, then if they still like, the med school sends you their individual application [secondary] which is usually filling out MORE information and writing 2-3 [usually three, ugh fml.] essays! hooray! and I applied to 11 schools so that's somewhere between 22 and 33 essays, lol. I'm sure you're all super jealous.
oh, and on top of that, I have school! even more fun.
In other news, Youmacon is coming up! [Halloween weekend] which I'm super excited for, I plan to buy lots of goodies, lol...which for me mostly consist of figurines and art books. Unfortunately I will not have a lot of new prints/merchandise for this everyone will be like "ugh, gtfo with you're old shit". yeahhh
But here are
some pictures that blow
It's Lightning [the heroine from the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII -- which I'm super excited for] and Cloud [who I'm sure everyone recognizes from FFVII] in each others' clothes! [sort of].
Nomura based Lightning off a "female version of Cloud", so being the dork I am, I thought it would be fun to have them switch clothes or something...but I kept a skirt for Lightning's sexier, and let Cloud keep pants on...even though he's used to cross dressing.
ugh, fml. I hate how I color, lol. I wish I could have a colorist or someone competently do all this shit for me.
I also drew Bayonetta [another game I'm excited for...typical]
and lastly, a sketch of Juliette for Zambi @ [her character :)]