Title: Worst Day Ever
Pairing: Taemin/Krystal
Genre: Slice of Life, Friendship, Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
# of words: 1382
Summary: Krystal has a bad day and she feels like disappearing but then a boy rescues her from misery.
Notes: Did this two nights ago on my phone at the wee hours of dawn (FUN FACT: Ideas/plots always emerge from my mind before I sleep and probably the cause of my lack of sleep at the most!) and there are lots of errors, I know, and too lazy to even edit it. Had the sudden affinity for Taemin/Krystal. I like 'em. :3 Also, I don't know why I added the 'angel/heaven/pray' thing. I sorta gave up on this.
Krystal slouches down to a bench in frustration and lets a low snarl come out from her pink pale lips. She hates this day so much. Her day started bad when she forgot to do her homework in Bio and the teacher gave her and the whole class a lecture about being irresponsible kids and that would never get them to anywhere, to which in Krystal’s defense was his fault because she doesn’t learn anything from him so how could she possibly answer the questions to his homework? She got detention for that and-added bonus!-extra homework for everyone. Her classmates threw insults and curses towards her when class ended. Her day became worse when her sister, Jessica, found the report card with a D she skillfully hid under the sink and she started yapping about how she busted her ass for the girl to get proper education and this is what she gets? (Technically, it was their parents’ money that sent her to school and not actually Jessica but that would totally set her ass on fire if she even dare speak of it.) It became worst day ever when she remembered tomorrow was her parents’ death anniversary and that just gave her the stomach churn because she deliberately went on her way to do stuff she normally doesn’t do so she’d forget about it. Everything was so fucked up in her life that she wished to disappear. She sighs and bites the tears down to the pit of her stomach. She should be strong. Must be strong. For herself.
“Excuse me miss, are you okay?” A bright red-head is looking down on her, scrunching his perfect face in worry. Sincere worry. This ticks off the sixteen-year old that she scoffs, flicks a stray strand on her hair and ignores him. The last thing she wants is sympathy. Even though it came from a handsome teen around her age or younger (it’s because of his chubby cheeks; makes him look younger), standing in front of her.
“Sorry. I was just passing by when I saw you welling up. I couldn’t help butting in.” He smiles and it’s the most charming smile Krystal has ever seen and she is bedazzled, however, that doesn’t mean she should talk to some random boy. As if reading her mind, he laughs. “I know! Don’t talk to strangers so let me introduce myself? I’m Lee Taemin.” He stretches out a hand for her to shake but instead receives an ‘are you fucking kidding me’ look from the girl. He shrugs, sits on the bench next to her, still smiling yet clearly embarrassed as he retreats his hand to rub the back of his neck.
Krystal doesn’t know what goes over her when she says, “Krystal. Jung Krystal.” She finds herself more at ease than annoyed now after introducing herself to this complete stranger, who may or may not, bring her harm but she trusts her instincts and her instincts tell her he’s not a bad guy. Not with that looks anyway.
“Krystal? That’s a nice name.” Taemin remarks. “What are you doing here? It’s getting pretty dark and late. Won’t your family be worried?” It was evening and the park wasn’t really the safest place to stay on nights but Krystal didn’t care. All she needed to do was get away from that house, her sister, her life.
“Won’t yours be more worried?” She retorts.
“They probably would but I’m a big boy now and can take care of myself. As for you...”
“So are you going to tell me why you’re here?” He questions more.
It’s really weird for Krystal that this stranger was talking to her, asking her business when he should be minding his own, yet she manages to answer him back. It’s odd because she wasn’t the kind to rant on anyone, even her peers about anything personal and now here she was sitting on this bench, looking at her options whether she should rage on this stranger. What the hell. He is a stranger and the chances of them meeting again are very slim so she starts.
Starts with her sister, that wuss venting her frustrations on her because her boyfriend, Jinki, would be leaving in a few months and she doesn’t want him to and he doesn’t want to but he’s such a pushover and lets his parents decide for his life, decide who he falls in love with and Jessica is depress. Her poor sister. She follows on school. How bitchy everyone was to her when she’s supposed to be the only there and next year she’ll be graduating and college is just no fun. And lastly on her parents. She misses them badly and wished they were here instead of this boy (“No offense, I mean you’re nice and all-” She adds and Taemin puts his hands up in defense. “None taken.”) Everything about her life is a mess. She’s lost and has no idea what to do, what to think.
When she’s done talking, she glances at his direction to find him spacing out. This makes her head down and blood boil. “I’ve been bitching serious shit about my life and you aren’t even listening!” She screams, ready to ruin his pretty face with a punch. She restrains her rage, standing up to leave before spitting a loud “Fuck you.”
“Wait!” Taemin grabs her wrist. “Sorry! I tend to space out a lot! Weird habit, I know. I was listening though. Pussy sister, fucked up school, parental troubles, heard of all that.” He gestures her to sit again. “Sorry about your parents.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.” They remain quietly seated there for a moment. Krystal raises a brow. “Aren’t you going to give me some words of wisdom or something? That’s how it usually works you know.”
“What? Oh! Advice, huh? Umm, pray?” He laughs, unsure of what he just said. She doesn’t laugh, which caused him to stop and clear his throat. “I’m sure your sister is just worried about you and you did mention how she was having a hard time so… give her a little comfort by being a good girl, I guess? And about your parents… Well, I really don’t know what to say. They’re just above and one sky away?”
“Heaven? You believe in that?”
“Why not? Where else would angels like you fall from?”
Krystal doesn’t know if she should be disgusted or laugh because he just pulled a pick up line on her. She decides the latter.
“See! You’re much prettier when you smile! Keep it up!” Taemin joins her and they laugh until their cheeks hurt and before their jaws start to fall off, all ignoring the weird glances being sent on their way.
“Oh, God, I feel like punching you being a cheese-whiz!” Krystal says, wiping the tears on her eyes. Taemin freezes and the girl laugh more, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. “I’m kidding!” She hasn’t laugh like this in ages.
Taemin smiles, relieved. “To be honest, I only did notice you because you’re really pretty and only had the confidence to approach you because you were crying. I wasn’t sure if you would talk to me, you don’t look the type to talk a lot, but hey, it turned out well, right?”
“Thanks for listening.” The corner on Krystal’s lips tilts up and Taemin swears it’s the most wonderful thing on earth. He tries to give back the same amount of perfection in his. “No problem.”
“I should go.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
Krystal is about to protest but stops herself and nods. She’s not sure if she’s doing the right thing by letting this outsider know her and little world. She was always hesitant about this, about sharing her lfe with someone else and now it feels like wants to do it more often. Who knew it could be this fun to talk someone and be you? They talk more and laugh more and Krystal’s mood lifts up and she no longer remembers why she’s upset in the first place. They exchange mails and when she’s lying on her bed, reading Taemin’s message about meeting up tomorrow, Krystal smiles and thinks maybe it wasn’t a bad day after all.