Mar 14, 2006 22:16
soo I'm in Charlottesille, VA right now and it's been a sunburn today..woops! but it's kinda fun at the same time cuz i'll look like i actually went on a real vacation to florida or something maybe when in reality i just cut siding and caulked (sp?) all day but ya was a good time. wasnt' having such a hot time at first tho just because we were up on some scaffolding behind the house on a steep hill that lead down to a creek...and it was windy...and i'm not so fond of hieghts..but once i started caulking, i got over it (and i got over saying caulk eventually without feeling dirty..altho comments were still made )
dinner tonight was nice. it felt very much like a family. we are living in a conference room of the habitat meeting house and so we have a microwave toaster oven, shitty hot plate and rice stove or's like playing on survivor pretty much bc we have to be creative with how we prepare our meals..i continue to be impressed with everyone's cooking skills and random knowledge..i also continue to feel useless bc everyone seems to know what they're doing and take over ...and i take this opportunity to get away (but i'm not going to call my parents anymore bc i just make them nervous)
anyways i'm being anti-social but it felt good to get back in touch with technology for a few minutes...
peace out homes