Last weekend, my 9 year old nephew Harm competed in the Sectional Swimming Championships. It was a long day and he was sick with a stomach ache the whole day. With the aid of Pepto tablets, some Sierra Mist and lots of coaxing from his Aunt Tracy, he managed to complete all his events.
After completing his 4th event, his mom told him he could scrub his relay because he felt so bad. After showering and dressing, his coach begged him to swim the relay or the other team-mates would also have to scrub their chance. So, after a few tears and some encouragement from mom and aunt, he said "I'll do it for the team". He re-changed into his speedo and swam his relay. He didn't place high enough to continue on in the next leg of the championships, but I was so proud of him. What a trooper!