Dec 01, 2009 23:53
Stupid people who think black/white, republican/democrat really piss me off. As most of you know Obama addressed the nation tonight. Granted I caught about 5-10 minutes and then a 2 minute summary on the news channel. I could have honestly done without the 5-10 minutes as everything makes perfect sense to me, but of course you are going to have both parties bitching about Obama now.
Why you ask? Republicans will start bitching about how Obama has been lying during his campaign and only use this instance to further fuel their flames. I know this because this is how my parents talk about him. First off, it takes a while to change, especially when you've fucked up as badly as Bush has. He ruined the economy and overall structure of our system, and these dumbasses reelected him for a second term.
Democrats will be bitching because Obama claimed that we would get out of war. No, he said we'd get out of Iraq. And I couldn't agree more with that decision, but we needed to stay beyond the elections to help the nationals who couldn't defend themselves against the radical militants trying to threaten people into voting for another hateful, psycho leader. But no the elections shit has died down and it's time to pull our troops out, good job on that Obama, you did exactly as you said you would.
He does plan to put troops in Afghanistan, but really that's where we've needed our troops for the last decade (possibly longer). Bush Jr. just used his power as president to invade Iraq because Hussein threatened Sr. during Desert Storm. And Jr. used 9/11 as an excuse, what a scumbag. Granted Hussein wasn't a good man, but if we're being honest the people that really deserved the full force of the American Military was the Al Quida. Well, 8 years later and we're finally getting to it. Do we want another 9/11? No, so this military operation is necessary. I think Obama is doing the right thing. Plus, economically it just makes sense! You don't want to dump all of our soldiers into the unemployed cesspool right now. War is what got us out of the Great Depression. I'm not advocating violence, but what we're doing is preventative. Sure, this may not have been planned during the elections, but when you're Secretary of State you learn a lot about what's going on from special intelligence. It is what it is and people need to stop bitching or I may just have an aneurysm.
So, while I consider myself mostly democrat, I'm not siding with a party here. The democrats will claim this is against the peace policy Obama promised during the elections while the republicans use this to explain how Obama isn't living up to his ideas of change. Personally, these party things need to be abolished and anyone who can't think outside of their little box either needs to be educated or (in the words of Josh, sarcastically mind you) shot. Granted, that might include my family for their republican ignorance; I try to explain to them how what Obama is doing is the best he can. I can't even imagine how swamped that guy is from all the mistakes Bush Jr. made.