Celebrity Claustrophobia

Sep 15, 2009 20:56

Celebs are examined too much. The paparazzi needs to back off, and in turn so do gossip magazines. When did liking an actor change from appreciating their hard work and talent to obsessing about the person's every intimate detail of their private life? I confess that I'm not innocent in this matter, I have looked at paparazzi photos and engaged in the gossip and even swooned a bit too much for actors, but I'm older now and I'd like to think a bit wiser.

The VMAs exhibited these issues this weekend. I know I'm a bit behind on the VMA train; I wasn't going to watch, but then all that Kanye drama spiraled out of control and people were talking about the amazing performances by Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and the tribute to Michael Jackson. Even Madonna emphasized how out of control society was in Jackson's case. He was never able to live a normal childhood experience and thus turned into this adult creeper (sorry Madonna, King of Pop and amazing icon though he may be, I still think he molested those children). But alas, that is the conundrum. I don't like who Michael Jackson was as a person because of how I perceive his personal life, but obviously I have no right to his personal life.

A similar thing goes with Kanye. Admittedly I wasn't too heartbroken that he jumped on stage and basically told a country singer to stick it, but the amazing amount of bad rap he got from the events must have been overwhelming. Look at the man get upset and cry on Leno: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjOR9lhfhBg. People make mistakes, and yet everyone is ready to burn him alive at the stake. With as much pressure as he's under it's a wonder he hasn't cracked sooner. Besides, haven't you done something so humiliating and embarrassing that you just want to forget about it for the rest of your life? I've had those moments and I would be so incredibly upset if everyone knew what they were and were talking about it non-stop. The man made a mistake and he's repentant, end of story.

I've been feeling pretty opinionated lately so I may write some more rants soon, lol.


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