Oct 21, 2010 01:17
* Be more and more the sort of person that other people will be drawn to: kind, caring, respectful, loyal, joyous, at peace with myself and others, but all without ever compromising my principles. With as introverted as I have been most of my life, I don't think I could have the friends I do have unless I had some degree of these qualities to start with, and so I will seek to increase them in any way I can.
* Expel toxic people from my sphere of existence, and bring closer people who inspire me, upbuild me, and push me to be the best possible version of myself, the version that I want most to be.
* Do more of the things that I dream of doing, as opposed to only dreaming about them. I would like to bring my mental reality and my physical reality somewhat closer together, and for this I will need self-discipline, which is one thing that I currently lack. With enough determination, I believe I can do this.
* Share more with others. Thoughts, photos, etc, on the internet, talk more with others in person, all of that... It's always been hard for me to do this, though I have the desire, because it takes effort, and for me, a lot of times it takes more effort than it does for some, for the fact that I am introverted and have been largely externally validated.
Some things to work on. Without things to work on, the world would be a boring place, right?