More Prompt fics

Aug 27, 2015 21:02

General Information
Rating: General
Disclaimer: Not Mine, for various reasons this is probably a good thing.
Warning: Crossover in one of the drabbles.

Oh and more prompts please?

eviinsanemonkey's Prompt: I heard the strangest music and I just followed it down...
(Tempted as I was to try and use the source of the prompt, this is what got written)

My name is Marshall Teller and I think I've finally convinced my family that something is Weird in Eerie, Indiana.

It started when I woke up in the middle of the night.  I don't know what woke me up, but I heard the strangest music and I just followed it down and out of our house.  We all followed it down and out of the house. Mom, Dad, Syndi, Simon and me.

There she was in the middle of the street.  The most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen.  I've heard a lot of arguments since that night on exactly what she looked like, and Simon thinks maybe her appearance depended on who was looking at her.  I thought she looked an awful lot like Cindy Crawford.  Dad swears she was the spitting image of Mom.

Anyway there are a few things we all agree on, her hair was bright aqua blue, her skin was a soft iridescent dove gray, and her eyes were bright sunshine yellow.  She also was playing what looked like a violin and dancing.

Apparently she was waking everyone in Eerie up because she stopped at each house and home to call the inhabitants out, while she swayed and swooped, all the while playing that music on her fiddle.  It was like the people couldn't do anything, but follow her.  Once we were all gathered in the center of town, her playing became frenzied and her dancing wilder and she started laughing.  The only time she paused was to bend down to kiss Simon on the forehead, whispering something in his ear that made him smile.  She spun and spun and then just like that she disappeared and what ever spell she had over everyone broke.

Everyone pretty much sheepishly made excuses as to why they were there, and someone suggested mass sleeping walking and that idea caught on.  So everybody went home and went back to bed.

Everyone in Eerie woke up the next morning with bright aqua hair and iridescent gray skin.  Except for Mr Radford who says he never woke up and his ears from clogged anyway from a cold, and Dash X, who I know I saw there, who won't say a single word on what happened, or what he saw.

It all faded back to normal in few days, but Mom and Dad get a bit more thoughtful now when I say something is weird.

Oh, and Simon?  Simon hasn't stopped smiling.

froodle's Prompt: Heritage!

Kids these days just didn’t understand the proud Heritage of Eerie, mused Mayor Chisel, they didn't understand that some things, however distasteful, kept Eerie up and running.  Like the Harvest King.  Sacrifices were necessary.  You just didn't keep a small town in the black, without a little blood red now and again.

Still, it had been a mistake to assume that no one would miss the kid with the gray hair.  That nosey kid from New Jersey who had absolutely wrecked the Harvest Festival and the little Holmes boy had noticed and started poking around in places that they shouldn't have.  Found out about some of Eerie's founding families' other proud heritage.

Fortunately, all it meant was that the Elder Ones would get fed three young lives instead of just one and wouldn't Eerie just have a bumper year this year.  He'd come up with some line to feed the Teller boy's family.

At least that was how it was suppose to happen.

But, Chisel mused again, other places had equally proud heritage and perhaps inviting that businessman from Collinsport, Maine, to witness the feast of the Elder Ones had been a mistake.  Although Chisel was certain he had sensed black magic tainting Quentin Collins and was sure he would appreciate the Mayor's legendary showmanship when it came to wielding a sacrificial knife.

Instead the tall man had started to fight to save the boys.  The three bullets he took through the heart did knock him down, but then he got back up.  That's when the others turned chicken and ran leaving Chisel to face a pissed off werewolf, and there wasn't even a full moon gosh darn it!  It had torn Chisel limb from limb, and then freed the three frightened boys.  They had scurried away like the little rats they were.

Ah well, once Chisel pulled himself back together there would be a reckoning.
Author's note: with a prompt like Heritage I couldn't resist bringing in a character from Dark Shadows (the original series, not the Tim Burton Movie).  Quentin Collins is a very charming, complete bastard, however he has softened a bit in his second century of life and in my head canon can turn into a werewolf at will even if it's not his first choice.
Also I can't get the idea of Mayor Chisel has a half-human eldritch abomination out of my head.
slinkhard's prompt: Hook
This one is really short, but I like it.

"Look, here, I'll show you," Marshall woke to the soft voices of his camping companion and an unwelcome visitor.  Simon's voice was expected, but Dash's was just grating.  He and Simon were investigating rumor of a creature in Lake Eerie, and decided to camp out.  He crawled out of his sleeping bag and poked his head out of the tent flap.

Simon and Dash were sitting next to each other tying fishing lures to hooks and Simon kept having to get Dash's untangled for him.  For once Dash actually looked like he was really listening to Simon and they both almost seemed...happy?

Marshall ducked back in the tent and lay back down.  There were some things you just didn't interrupt.

char: marilyn, non-canon: dark shadows, crossover potential, fanworks: fic, char: mister radford, char: edgar, char: mars, a: yarol_2075, char: dash, char: simon, char: mayor chisel, comm event: prompt/challenge

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