Yet more drabbles

Feb 19, 2013 21:24

Wheee!  I didn't have to bring any work home with me tonight!   On the other hand I'm ready to drop.  So here, have three drabbles in what I'm calling the librariverse.

Disclaimer: Not mine!
Rating: Slashy General
Warnings: Do ghost cats need warnings?


Dash loved Eerie's Library. It was quiet. No one bothered him (it helped that he stayed in the part of the stacks that housed the more esoteric subject matter.) No one chased him out if he lingered a little. No one cared if he fell asleep at one of the study carrels.

It was a warm place.

It was a dry place.

It was a safe place.

So finding the "secret" room in the basement (apparently small forgotten storage room that had its door covered over by shelves) was the icing on the cake, so Dash moved his meagre belongings into the room and settled in for the long haul, or until someone figured out that the guy with the gray hair was living in the library.

Which was likely never, after all, all the security was on the first and second stories where the media equipment was, there was nothing of value in the basement, only the books.



As it turned out the library had been Eerie's original Hospital and the "secret" room Dash had found had been the hospital's morgue. This did not concern Dash, he was just glad the deep sink in the room still ran water. He knew there were worse things in Eerie than ghosts. Besides ghosts seem to have rules in Eerie; they needed an object to be attached to in order to affect the living world. And the only ghost Dash stirred up was a long dead calico cat whose old catnip mouse Dash had found in the stacks. It liked him. He liked it.



Dash's bed was really more like a nest, now that he didn't have keep moving around. Sleeping bags, blankets, old salvaged couch cushions, pillows of all shapes and sizes, anything soft and that Dash could reasonably hide under his coat. It was sloppy and horribly mismatched. The color clash alone should have kept anyone from sleeping.

Marshall found it the most comfortable bed he ever slept in.

Of course, it was also possible that he found it so comfortable because he and Dash could curl up around one another, skin to skin, unable to tell where one began and the other ended.

place: eerie library, cryptid: ghost cat, fanworks: fic, cryptid: jackalope, char: mars, a: yarol_2075, char: dash, char: simon

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