A Jackalope and His Boy

Jan 22, 2013 20:58

The drabble for froodle.  The word is Jackalope.  :-)

Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I can claim only Fluffy.
Warning: Domestic/child abuse mentioned.

Fluffy found his human quite young, his antlers just beginning to bud. But his human had been crouched on the ground, crying and Fluffy knew, just knew that the human needed a nudge, a little bump to his hand.
Simon had been devastated. For the first time his parents' fighting had spilled over and his father had noticed Simon slipping out of the house and had shouted at him to get back there, and when Simon had...

The bruise over his eye stung with his tears, but Simon couldn't even really feel it. He had fled the house and didn't pay attention to where he had run, until he fell to the ground not knowing what to do.

Simon didn't know how long he had been there, but something soft was bumping against one of his hands and it seemed to be chirruping. He looked down and couldn't quite believe his eyes. A tiny brown bunny was trying very hard to get his attention. It took another moment to realize that there were tiny brown nubs on the bunny's head. The more he looked at it, the less it looked like a bunny.

It didn't object to Simon scooping it up and holding it close to his chest.

"Wait until Marshall sees this!"

Thus began the legendary partnership of Simon and Fluffy the Jackalope. Both would grow big and strong, and defend the weak, the voiceless, and the defenseless. They shared many exciting adventures and they shared them together, always.

cryptid: jackalope, a: yarol_2075, char: simon, fanworks: fic

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