Hello & drabbles

Jan 13, 2013 16:02

Hello!  New old fan here (seriously, I watched Eerie Indiana when it aired originally ^_^;; )

I come bearing drabbles.  I'm actually suffering from writer's block, so these were a writing exercise: I took five books, opened them radomly, and pointed to a word, and then used those words as the base for the drabbles.

Rating: Teen, to be safe
Disclaimer: Not mine -- I wish it were.
Warnings: Minor Character death, the last drabble is slash (the second to last is if you wear slash-colored goggles) and a x-over with Buffy the Vampire Slayer circa early season four.

I hope you enjoy.


It was the one secret Simon kept from his brother Marshall.

"Look Kid, the three wishes thing? Wishful thinking. One wish only," the genie irritably informed Simon, "and can you hurry up? 'I Dream of Air Force Colonels' is on in five minutes."

Simon didn't have to think, he had wished the Tellers could adopt him.

"Okay, but remember it has to look natural," she cautioned him, "you may regret it."

With a blink and nod, she disappeared, a "good luck, kiddo," echoing in his ears.

That night, while he and Marshall went looking for the Eerie's fabled jackalope warren, Simon's house burned down. His parents and his brother asleep and overcome by the smoke.

For one reason or another, none of Simon's relatives wanted to take him in, but... the Tellers did. So with a minimum of legal fuss Simon became Marshall's brother officially.

Simon did eventually tell Marshall about the genie, and his wish. And Marshall reassured him that it was not his fault, that Simon had had no idea that the fire would be what happened. So Simon smiled, hugged Marshall, and accepted the reassurance.

But Simon never told Marshall that he didn't regret it one bit.



Dash found the dog tangled in some nets. He didn't know if it was deliberate trap, or just a jumble of nets the dog ran into, but it's pitiful whimpering got to him. So Dash cut it free, and spent the rest of the day trying to stop it from following him.

But that night, when the temperature plunged, and Dash shivered in his sleeping bag, he heard a snuffling and scratching at a loose board. He gave up and let the dog in. It snuggled down next to him the sleeping bag.

He named it Marshall to annoy Teller.



'Marshall is an asshole,' Simon thought in surprise.

Marshall was giving Dash another lecture on how selfish and how mercenary Dash was, in between bitching how his Mom was on a health food kick. He kept describing how his family were being forced to eat things like Lentil Surprise, Tofu Fruity Cake and Turkey Bacon instead of regular bacon for breakfast.

Simon had seen Dash scrounging in a dumpster that morning for his breakfast.

"Mars," Simon chirped in cheerily, "shut the fuck up."

Both older boys remained in stunned silence for the better part of the rest of the day.



They watched in silence as the trunk holding Mayor Chiesel sank down into Lake Eerie (not that Lake Eerie, the one just outside of town) tethered by chains to several anchors Radford had in the stock room of the World O' Stuff.

"You boys come with me," Radford, shaken that the man he knew for years turned out to be an unkillable, undead monster, offered, "some hot chocolate will do us all some good."

Dash didn't move, his eyes still fixed on the spot the trunk had sunk.

Marshall wrapped an arm around Dash.

"He's gone, you're safe, I promise."



"You promised me four years of normal, Teller."

"The town's called Sunnydale. I didn't think it'd be like Eerie!" Marshall protested as his boyfriend sulked at him to the amusement of the pretty blonde who was twirling a stake and the cute red-head who was trying so very hard not to laugh. Marshall put his hands on Dash's shoulders, "it's not like I was trying to find vampires, babe."

Dash was having none of it, and stepped back.

"Yer sleeping on the couch, Teller," Dash muttered, then turned the girls, "So, is there anything else this bonehead forgot to research?"

cryptid: vampire, char: harley, non-canon: buffyverse, crossover potential, fanworks: fic, char: mister radford, char: mars, a: yarol_2075, char: dash, char: simon, char: mayor chisel

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