Written for Day 21 of the
31daysoffandom October challenge. The prompt I used for this one was "fear"
The stained glass windows in the old church were still intact, and when the sun shone directly on them it made the sumptuous robes gleam in reds and blues, and the yellow and orange rays depicting divine intent were rivers of gold cascading over the heads of the figures depicted below.
When the church lay in shadow, a keen observer with good eyesight could spot that the windows had been bricked up from the inside. Here and there, the dried out husks of insects lay trapped between the brickwork and the glass, their exoskeletons slowly crumbling to dust. Weeds sprang up from the cracks between the stones, but quickly perished from the lack of water or unattenuated sunlight.
The north face of the building was wreathed in scaffolding, and a large red and white sign warned passers-by about the danger of falling masonry. What the sign failed to mention was that the fallen masonry in question was the cross that had once cast it's long shadow over the steep front steps, plunging any parishioner into temporary darkness as they filed beneath it's cold stone portico.
Now, the cross lay on a stack of wooden pallets, covered by a filthy tarpaulin weighed down at the corners by chunks of fallen rock. Even so secured, at night the wind got in beneath the fabric, making it whine with tension or flap like heavy wings beating at the air.
Mayor Winston Chisel's well-shined shoes crunched across the gravel-strewn flower beds, long since abandoned to wilderness and decay. Behind him, on the relative safety of the sidewalk, stood Sergeant Knight and newly-elected Special Constable Fred Suggs, who was currently calling himself something else that the Mayor could not be troubled to remember.
Chisel mounted the stone steps, slippery with damp and a greenish mold, and rapped smartly on the black, iron-banded door studded with nails.
"Eerie Chamber of Commerce," he said. "Here to talk about your Hubbub License. Open up in the name of bureaucracy."
Trusted Associates, Inc.
Halloween by
froodle, in which Mars and Simon celebrate a Von Orloff-free All Hallows Eve
Surprise by
froodle, in which Mars tries to make sure Simon's birthday goes a little better this year
The Glade by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars visit a place that only exists on February 29th
Egg Hunt by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars partake of some traditional Easter activities
Boardwalk by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars are swayed by radio advertising
Lady in Red by
froodle, in which Simon experiments on the old-fashioned radio in the Secret Spot, and horror ensues
Waiting In by
froodle, in which there is an ice-storm and a handyman does not arrive
Seafoam by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the seaside
A Night at the Circus by
froodle, in which a carnivale comes to town, and Marshall and Simon do not enjoy themselves
Taking a Break by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall enjoy some much-needed R&R
Model Railway by
froodle, in which a new business prepares to open in Eerie
Shoreline by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall investigate strange happenings on the shores of Lake Eerie
Parade by
froodle, in which Mars takes issue with the Eerie Beekeepers Association's choice of mascot
Homestead by
froodle, in which Marshall finally gets something useful out of shop class
Hound by
froodle, in which Simon makes a friend
Errands by
froodle, in which Simon has a to-do list
Slyboots by
froodle, in which a certain corporal of the infernal regions comes to Eerie. Crossover with Johannes Cabal the Necromancer.
Waterlogged by
froodle, in which Eerie experiences heavy rainfall
Festival by
froodle, in which Eerie's local businesses celebrate the summer
Strawberry by
froodle, in which there is unauthorised hubbub in Eerie
Wildlife by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the beach
Facilities by
froodle, in which the Eerie Bus Station and Supper Club has a problem with the men's toilet
Anticipation by
froodle, in which Simon and Harley look forward to the Equinox
Castle by
froodle, in which there is unexpected architecture in Eerie
Visitor in which Marshall's grandma comes to stay
Euclid by
froodle, in which Marshall and Simon investigate strange events at the Eerie Cemetery
The Hut by
froodle, in which Simon takes on the forces of Eerie solo