at the Wayback Machine

Sep 01, 2019 00:49

If you've ever seen the Eerie Indiana tie-in books, you might have noticed the website advertised in the back pages:

Surprising nobody, twenty years later this website no longer exists. However, parts of it are archived at the WayBack Machine.

Sadly, the snapshots from 1999 just show a white page with a parent directory, so we'll never get to see what frames-and-flash masterpiece was originally used to promote Eerie.

However, in 2001 an Eerie Indiana fan named MariaC bought the domain and turned it into the Eerie Examiner:


Written by: Maria C. Copyright 2000 Maria C. and

Eerie's flagging economy may be in for a new lease of life, following the opening of a new salmon farm… with a twist.

This week, Spliced Gene Salmon City opened its doors to the public and will represent a low-cost, high-quality source of seafood for all Eerie's inhabitants.

The secret of the farm's success? Genetic engineering! In Eerie, legislation concerning the lately developed gene manipulation techniques is still slightly unclear and not as prohibitive as in the rest of America. The owner of the farm, Charlie Gower, saw the advantages which this loophole could offer Eerie.

The Examiner interviewed Mr Gower at the grand opening of his new enterprise about how the business got started:

"Well, I was at the World O' Stuff about two months ago doing my shopping. I was looking to buy some Spam for my dinner and all, when I noticed a box on the shelf next to the tinned foods section. It turned out to be a Home Cloning Beginners' Outfit by some company called Frankenstein, inc. It was for sale, so I picked it up. The thing was that Betsy, my goldfish, wasn't very well and I figured I could use the kit to make her better. Or clone her, or something.

"I started, y'know, experimenting, with the kit at herimenting, with the kit at home until I thought I had found a cure for Betsy. I scraped what had grown on the petri-dish
into her tank and left it overnight. The next morning, there she was, seven inches bigger, and looking a whole lot happier.

"I figured I could to the same to salmon and other fish, so people in this town could have a'plenty of good cheap fish. Y'know, the oils fish contain can be mighty beneficial. It's brain food, so they say."

A'plenty is no overstatement. With the salmon's DNA altered to make the species grow four times faster and reach a mass three times that of the average salmon on half the food intake, the newly introduced species is in plentiful supply in Eerie and available at incredibly low prices.

Mr Chisel, the Mayor of Eerie , opened the event and gave the Eerie Examiner the following statement:

"I'm delighted at what our good citizen, Mr Gower, has achieved. The people of Eerie are sure to benefit from what I, as their mayor, have brought them. That is, good food at a low price and a tourist economy which I'm sure will exist as soon as news of this gets out. Heck, why stop at fish, I say! Today salmon, tomorrow… well, the possibilities are
limitless! Yes, this will put our little hometown on the map for sure! And when the government come to beg us to sell them our secrets, I…er, Eerie… wits, I…er, Eerie… will be rich! A superpower!"

When Mr Gower was further questioned on his methods and procedures, it aspired that the environmental impact of his project would be minimal. He informed us on his waste disposal policy:

"Well, at the end of each new batch, there's always stuff that needs getting rid of, you know, left over DNA, waste chemicals, genetic freaks and such. I find most of it can be quickly and cleanly disposed of by chucking it in the river, yonder."

So it looks like it's good news for Eerie. Many locals turned up at the event to listen to the inauguration speeches made by Mr Gower and the Mayor, and also to take advantage of the free salmon products available for the day.

Here are some opinions on the new fish farm given by the citizens themselves:

"I think it's a mighty fine idea. I just can't wait to get my teeth into a li'l ol' salmon burger."
Mr E. Presely

"Well, I think that if the science and apparatus design is sound, I see no reason why the venture shouldn't work out. I wish Mr Gower every success."
Mr. E. Teller

"Thank you, sir, move along now. Nothing to see here."
Deputy Sheriff

"I think it's wonderful. I can't wait to write in to the foreverware cookery newsletter with a whole range of delicious new salmon recipe ideas to share wlmon recipe ideas to share with the rest of our foreverware family!"
Ms. W. Swanson

"No comment. I didn't do it."
Some weird grey-haired kid

"Look at this water sample we collected from down river! It glows! And you know what else - ?"
Marshall Teller, just before the mayor interrupted with "…run along now, there's a good kid. They have such vivid imaginations, don't they?"

Well, it would seem that Eerie is now at the fore-front of salmon farming techniques, genetic engineering developments and on the brink of global fame. One thing Eerie inhabitants can be sure of, however, is that they can be sure to continue their quiet lives in this normal, all-American little town. To quote Mr Chisel's comments at the grand opening:

"Although these recent developments are sure to signal a new chapter in the history of Eerie, I can safely say that the town itself will not be changed from the wholesome community we know it as. I will do my best in keeping everything exactly as it is, and exactly as we like it - normal."

Written by: Maria C. Head Reporter for the Eerie Examiner

If you have any tales youd like Miss. C to investigate, you can contact her at the Eerie Examiner Maria

fanon: spliced gene salmon city, a: eerieincom, org: eerie examiner, org: foreverware ladies, char: elvis, fanworks: fic, char: winifred swanson, char: mars, char: edgar, fanon: mr gower, char: dash, char: mayor chisel

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