Aug 06, 2019 21:12
Day 28 - First t.v show obsession
That depends on how you define 'obsession'. The first tv shows I started getting into deep analysis of and constant thinking about were Buffy and Angel. If I had known how to find online fan communities, I would have been writing fic much earlier. Boy in the Long Black Coat and I had many, many bus trips worth of discussion about them, when I was 17/18/19 (God, was it really that long ago? Holy fuck.)
Hmmm, but this isn't mentioning the number of times I watched Eerie, Indiana from the ages of 14-20 --- except that was more a single actor obsession --- so I'm not entirely sure it counts. (And I just thought of something I should totally acquire. No, Loz, step away from the DVD store.)
It's really hard to say. I had tv shows I watched and loved when I was a kid, but when it came to that sense of active craving? I can't exactly remember. I guess it really was Eerie, Indiana.
a: loz,
fanworks: reviews,
actor: omri katz,
eerie fandom is best fandom