Eulach: What’s any good from the last couple of years? We don’t live in England so I miss out on what’s current (Round the Twist and Eerie Indiana are good but they’re a bit dated now). Series or one offs, the children are 7 and 10. hols2: Hilda
chakaping: My kids are currently loving the Powerpuff Girls on Netflix. New Dangermouse is also pretty decent (not as good as old one, but you can get that on there too).
jjprestidge: My 8 year old daughter loves watching the re-runs of Buffy. I thought they might be a bit scary for her but she really likes them and they are quite brilliantly written.
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc is also a hidden gem - don’t be fooled into think that it’s anything like the originals; there’s even an episode where Scooby plays the role of Nico in a pastiche of The Velvet Underground. Loads of other moments like that which must be way over the heads of the general audience.