PandasandGaming and CharlesKhanTV on their favourite Eerie Indiana episodes

May 11, 2019 13:21

The entire first season of Eerie Indiana is on Amazon Prime?! I haven't seen this shit since I was a kid.
Alright, let's do this.
- AlphaOmegaSin (@AlphaOmegaSin) May 10, 2019

The episode with the heart transplant is amazing.
- L🍑-P🍆ng (@PandasAndGaming) May 10, 2019

I liked the talkijg dogs one
- Charles Khan (@CharlesKhanTV) May 10, 2019

org: canine arrest team, char: fluffy, discussion: episode, ep: the retainer, a: pandasandgaming, ep: heart on a chain, a: charleskhantv, discussion: character, char: steve, a: alphaomegasin, char: devon, ***where to watch eerie indiana***, char: melanie, char: fifi

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