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Survivication, by Katie Ellis
May 08, 2018 08:07
Survivication. This was the theme to the imaginary park we were building. All semester long we were given assignments from creating a logo to reflect the survival theme of the park. Each student, like myself, had to come up with what the park would be according to our vision.
The next step was to begin advertising. The next couple of assignments were to make a flier and a newspaper ad. With these forms of print media you can put all of the information the future customers may need on the ad itself without really needing toNewspaper ad direct them anywhere else. This assignment did not give any information about the park. I had to come up with an address, ticket prices and operation hours for this project. The only stipulation was that the park had to be in Eerie, Indiana because my teacher thought it was creepy name.
Great instincts, teacher!
crossover potential
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