Eerie, Indiana triple drabble: At the Dinner Table

Mar 20, 2018 21:15

Written for this week's fffc prompt, which was "mystify".

So this was inspired by re-reading deifire's fic, Til Death, or The Alternate History of the Old Mill Investigation, which takes place during Syndi's wedding. Rick, if anyone is interested, is the name of the guy Syndi is talking to about math homework in Heart on a Chain.

Marshall said goodbye and hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and turned.

"That was Syndi," he said. "She wants to take us all for dinner at the Eerie Bus Terminal and Supper Club tomorrow night."

Simon brightened. Dash scowled.

"That's the third time in two months," he said. "What's she after? She must want something - what's her angle in all this?"

Heaving a deep sigh of resignation in the face of the conversation to come, Marshall crossed the tiny kitchen and settled himself in the nearest wooden chair. He then quickly moved to another when he realised he'd chosen the one that had three inches of one leg permanently mired in an alternative dimension.

"Dash," he said. "My sister is getting married in three months. Before that, she wants us to spend some time getting to know her future husband, preferably outside the context of that one pancake breakfast where the batter came alive and started trying to drown people in maple syrup."

Dash's scowl deepened. He opened his mouth to say something, but Simon cut him off at the pass.

"I thought he did really well with that," he said. "I mean, yes, there was a lot of screaming about eldritch abominations from beyond the void and how breakfast shouldn't involve this much murder, but in the end he was the one who thought to add more flour to the monster mix until it stopped moving."

Dash shrugged, as if to indicate he had met both better and worse slayers of pancake beastliness than Syndi Teller's fiancé. To be strictly fair to all involved, this was in fact the case.

"He did okay," he allowed.

"Okay enough for you to put on a clean shirt and be polite to the guy for a few hours over pan-fried lake monster?" asked Marshall, more suspicious than hopeful.

"He'll be picking up the tab," added Simon.

Dash smirked.


Bonfire by froodle, in which Pinocchio is ruined forever

Gingerbread by froodle, in which there is a witch in the Eerie Woods

Leaves by froodle, in which plantlife finds Marshall entirely too enticing

Offspring by froodle, in which there are dragons

Based on Your Previous Purchases by froodle, in which Mars should really pay attention to Amazon's reccomendations

Housework by froodle, in which a rota cannot be agreed upon

Breakfast by froodle, in which Dash's attempts at cookery do not go well

Ghost in the Machine by froodle, in which a new laptop opens an old wound

Consequences by froodle, in which an encounter with leprechauns leaves the boys very tired indeed

The Microwave by froodle, in which Andrea Fantucci returns to Eerie after a considerable absense

The Eldritch Abomination in the Room by froodle, in which the microwave is most definitely not discussed

Basic Household Maintenance by froodle, in which manticores are inconsiderate houseguests

Torrential by froodle, in which there is a storm, and the boys eat ice-cream

Linens by froodle, in which Dash X makes a bed

Night Music by froodle, in which Simon is woken by a nocturnal visitor

In For The Night by froodle, in which Dash refuses to leave the house

Hound by froodle, in which Simon makes a friend

Errands by froodle, in which Simon has a to-do list

Waterlogged by froodle, in which Eerie experiences heavy rainfall

Wildlife by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the beach

Rainbow by froodle, in which Dash fails to properly appreciate Michael Flatley

Jackolantern by froodle, in which the local pumpkin patch has a problem

Teller Family History

First Date by froodle, in which a young Edgar Teller shows off one of his earlier inventions

Popcorn by froodle. Friday night is always movie night in the Teller household.

The Teller Home for Displaced Youth by froodle, in which Edgar harbours some doubts about his new home town

Lawn by froodle, in which Marilyn Teller contemplaces some yardwork

Tornado Day, Revisited by froodle, in which Syndi learns exactly what it means to be Miss Tornado Day

Wildlife by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the beach

Culinary Delights by froodle, in which Syndi's terrible cooking may or may not have been an accident

Camping by froodle, in which Syndi cannot sleep

Artist in the Family by froodle, in which an immortal creature takes a liking to Syndi

Without Due Care and Attention by froodle, in which Syndi finally becomes mobile

Waiting In by froodle, in which there is an ice-storm and a handyman does not arrive

Brunch by froodle, in which Marilyn does not appreciate Edgar's help in the kitchen

Handmade by froodle, in which the Tellers receive a Christmas package from Marilyn's mother

Poor Life Choices by froodle, in which Syndi loves her brother anyway

Lillian by froodle, in which Marilyn's mother has concerns

Visitor by froodle, in which Marshall's grandma comes to stay

Nap by froodle, in which Marshall has a quiet moment in the Secret Spot

Fresh Sheets by froodle

Tradition by froodle, in which Dash and Marshall decorate a Christmas tree

Hometown by froodle, in which Mars and Syndi visit New Jersey

ongoing verse: microwave, ongoing verse: teller family history, fanworks: ongoing verse, external challenge: fffc, a: froodle, fanworks: fic, char: mars, char: dash, place: eerie bus terminal&supper club, char: syndi

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