Apr 24, 2005 22:56
wow is right, i am in a flurry of mixed emotions, a big smammering of everything and nothing, a big and boisterous yet empty feeling. i am thinking about everything that has happened to me in the last, oh, 3 days, and i can only say "wow, youre still alive and (somewhat) mentally sane." i am now going out with amanda matrejek, a sophomore that is, no. . .i have to say was now. . .in the music man with me. she's so nice, incredibly cute, and i miss her right now. but, that was just one happy part of my weekend, i have alot else that happened, too, both good and bad. i had to preform my final show of the music man, which had a cast that i will never ever forget. these kids are my family and i will miss them so so so incredibly much. i miss them already, and im still going to schoo with them for 5 weeks. i also spent one of the best days of my life at a park with eric dosedel, the sophomore britteny, amanda, max j dixon, ben freeman, the sophomore talia, caitlin foster, and max wanderman. we cleaned up the set of the music man today, and then went to ridgedale, and finally ended up at a park near ben and max w's houses. we played tag. . .imagine that, tag. . .and we just had a BLAST!! i wanted that day to never end. i was with people that i really love. it was an incredible feeling. i will cherish this memory, this snapshot of my soul, that i have right now for ever. thats why im writing. *sigh* little old nostalgic me. . .i make myself shudder in sappiness sometimes.
p.s. - i am officially a hopeless romantic. i wasnt before b/c no one ever told me that i was, but today, eric did. hooray! go hopeless!