Tagged by
mrasaki First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you -
Lots of pillows or just one?
I have two body pillows. One is currently under my head, the other is across my ribs so the edge of my laptop doesn't dig into them.
What kind of books do you read?
Fiction. Mostly. A couple of autobiographies. I like children's books and fantasies and classic love stories.
What's the weirdest thing you've seen today?
The inside of my mouth. It's like a warzone.
ZOMBIES OR ROBOTS: Which apocalypse is scarier?
Zombies. Robots may have the durability omg they'll never stop thing going on, but they don't eat brains. Eating brains is scary.
What's really creepy but maybe shouldn't be?
Baby moniters. I can't even look at one without shivering. No clue why. Aside from the fact that my scary things list goes like this:
1: Small children being evil
2: Old people being evil
3: Zombies
Small children scare me.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Dr. Leonard McCoy.
Cake or cookies?
What's the last website you visited?
The Mint Julep Inn ...Shush.
What was the last thing you bought?
I have no clue. It's been weeks since I've been well enough to go to a store. No... Maybe it was the corner store. Yeah. I think I bought Sister's boyfriend's little girl a pickle.
How do you think you'll die?
Stupidly. I'll probably walk under some scaffolding and some construction worker will drop his left-over meatloaf and it'll hit me on the head and give me a brain hemorrhage or something.
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
I crave plain potato chips sometimes, mostly when I've been swimming. Right now I'm craving the ability to eat something that I'd have to chew.
What do you do to change your mood?
My moods change themselves. I never feel the same one hour to the next. Sometimes to cheer myself up I read or draw porn.
What was the last meal you ate?
Do you want to learn another language?
I want to learn Russian. I should learn Spanish.
Five things near you right now:
1) empty water glasses
2) buncha books
3) brand new pack of color pencils
4) anti-biotics & little bottle of numbing mouth rinse thing
5) Bean (the dog)
Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 24. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
There are three books equally close to me. Hmm.
1) "Olga Ivanova sat behind the partition on her bed passing her beautiful flaxen hair between her fingers, and imagining herself in her own drawing-room, her bedroom or her husband's study; her imagination bore her to the theatre, to her dressmaker's and to her celebrated friends."
2) "The propagandists told us you wrapped things in inferior white grease-paper like savages."
3) "To Charlie, it felt rather as though he were in a tiny rowboat underneath the stern of the biggest ship in the world."
What's the last thing you said out loud?
What are you looking forward to?
Being able to talk. Being able to sing, oh god. Being able to freakin' sit up without needing help and back support, dammit.
I tag:
orphica, and