
Feb 03, 2010 22:50

Meme from mrasaki

How this goes:
1) List 7 habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2) Tag 7 People to do the same.
3) Don't tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to" (of course, we all do still have free will so if this isn't your thing... feel free to ignore)



I can pop my jaw. Like really loud. I like to freak people out by running into random shit and smacking it real hard with my hand to make a noise but bouncing my head back like I hit my jaw instead and then pretending it's dislocated and that they have to help me shove it back in. Their faces! HOMG THEIR FACES!

I can also pop it sort of in tune sometimes, on a good day, so I play songs with it. Sounds kinda like a wooden xylophone.


I'm blonde, and when I was five or six we moved to a new town that was almost exclusively Hispanic, and for the first year I was there every day on the playground kids would come up and pull on my hair and scream "Yellow Hair!" like it was a bad thing. So I really kind of hate it now, like I can't help but loathe my stupid hair. /ishoos


My family nickname is and has always been Doodle Bug. Since I was six months old and my sister drew all over the walls and blamed it on me. It's kinda silly but I like Doodle Bug way better than my actual name, which is Stephanie. I've never really been called Stephanie except by people I don't know, so I can't really identify with it. It doesn't click as my name when people call it out. My sister calls me Beth or Bethany, and I don't know why or when it started. My best friend calls me Marvin. And most of my other friends call me Doodle or Stirf/Stir-fry.


When I'm home alone I sing a different song every time I walk into a different room. A specific song for each specific room but they change every day. Hallways are always I Want To Hold Your Hand.

5) MY KISSING (TMI/Possible Squick)

When I was 13 my first kiss was with a boy named Danny. It was sweet and perfect and I was in love with him and as soon as it ended it started raining. The next day he died in a car wreck, and I thought I was cursed. I lost my virginity to my best friend in the back of my Lincoln in the middle of an orchard the night before she moved to New York. I wouldn't let her kiss me 'cause I figured her plane would crash if I did.

The kicker: The second time I kissed anybody it was a guy who tried to rape me. I did it 'cause I thought he was gonna kill me and I wanted him to die too. My eagerness to kiss him confused him long enough for me to knee him in the balls and get the fuck outta there.

I still don't like to kiss anybody if I really like them, just in case. /MOAR ishoos


When I was really little I thought I was gonna marry Remington Steele. I also thought being married meant you slept on one side of the bed and your husband slept on the other and sometimes you danced in front of the radio when they played your song. (My parent's song was Cupid Draw Back Your Bow by Sam Cooke. Our song woulda been the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme song, or possibly Reading Rainbow.)


I have a recurring nightmare in which Sean Connery, who is James Bond but still Sean Connery, is a two-dimensional swirling head and he says the following phrase: 'No really, Q, she's got the most exquisite vagina I've ever tasted.' Only it skips like a record in time with his swirling. And then he fades up into a corner and black and white footage of the Queen of England shows up and you realize Connery/Bond was talking about her vagina, and then she gets hit by a car. And then Connery/Bond grows fangs and chases me out of a movie theater, trying to eat my brains. I've had this nightmare 23 times so far as of last week and I hate its guts. =)

I'm not tagging anybody. Partly 'cause I don't have that many lj friends and partly 'cause I can't be fucked. I'm tahred.


shit you don't wanna know, meme

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