life and stuff

Oct 29, 2015 12:07

yeah, life and stuff. that's a good, solid title. LOL

Let's pretend it hasn't been MONTHS since my last personal, non-fic related update, shall we?

So, um. Where to start? Because I'm too lazy to go back and look at what was happening in my life when I posted last. I think maybe my grandmother might have been in the hospital again. (She's fine now, lost over 160lbs in the last 3 years, diabetes (sp?) under control mostly by diet now, able to walk with just a cane most days now. Pretty damn great.)

I'll start with my idiot brother. He was accepted into the Navy back in July and shipped out to basic training at the end of August. He was there til the end of September when he was sent home on a medical discharge. He lived here again for 3 weeks, then magically he got a job in less than two days when his buddy S said he could move in with him. Now he lives with S and is not my problem at all, anymore. Unless something goes way south, which could happen because even living with your bestest friends on the entire planet comes with issues. Now he just has to find time to come back and pack up the last of his crap and get it out of my room.

Because I am finally moving out of the attic! Climate control for the win! I've got a lot of work to do in this old room, starting with ripping out this nasty-ass old carpet (seriously, it came with the house 20 years ago, and was smelling funky back then). Then I'll strip the wall paper that's hiding under this ugly beige paint (also came with the house) and repaint. Somewhere in there I've got to make some curtains, too, because there are ACTUAL WINDOWS in this room, and the local power plant is right behind the house. I'm planning a laminate covering for the floor, because I want something lower maintenance than carpet (yay, swiffers!) and that's easy-ish to install on our own. It's gonna be awesome.

Work is work. There's always something going sideways in retail, and this year is extra sideways going into the holiday season. We're a 12 man department, currently staffed with five members. It's been a nightmare of full time hours (which i'm having trouble with for health reasons, goody) and sometimes overtime, and working with B constantly even though I cant stand him. (For what it's worth, no one else can either, and we have no plans to retain him once people are hired.) The problem, sadly, is that people aren't applying for positions at our store--which is something I don't get. I know people need jobs, so why aren't we seeing applicants?

If anyone wants to move to Kansas City, we're hiring at Best Buy.

Finally found "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" and it's sequels on DVD this year, so we're watching that for our classic movie monster marathon on Halloween. Hopefully i'm not so exhausted that I can't stay awake after the first one. I'm dressing as Wonder Woman to hand out candy to the kids. So excited.

I'm pretty sure I had more to say when I started this entry, but as per the norm, it has fluttered out of my brain. *shrug* So I guess this'll have to do.


Not dead, still!

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account!

real life, day job sucks

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