(no subject)

Sep 22, 2014 16:13

so, this has been a good news/bad news/let's pile on the stress sort of week.

i'll start with the good news so that everyone can cheer.

on Saturday I was able to be financed for a 2010 Jeep Patriot. He's a lovely bright silver.

the bad news is: i had to put down $500 more than anticipated for the loan to be approved. That was the money I had planned to save for the tags and insurance.

Now, thanks to the speeding ticket i got in May, every single insurance company wants well over $100 to cover me (mildly understandable, i suppose). The best quote I've gotten is $127, which would be fine, if i had the required downpayment of $155 to start it.

There is a total of $87 in my bank account (and I still have to buy my meds for the next two weeks!).

So, while i thought i was done with the fundraiser, the truth is that i still need a little help. If you can help, please, please, please do. Once I have this oversized downpayment out of the way, I can very carefully balance my budget and get by.

Fundraiser is here

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account! http://eerian-sadow.dreamwidth.org/

real life, money issues

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