life update

Aug 17, 2014 13:06

i'm honestly not sure i remembered to talk about it on here, but my car (sweet, green Princess Bubblegum) died horribly in June. She's probably still fixable, but it'll cost more than she's worth, and really that expense will do nothing but add up as she continues to age.

due to the car being dead, though, i'm on reduced hours at work. this has the very bad result of making it impossible for me to come up with enough money to put a down payment on a new car, since all my "free" money is going toward gas in my parents' beast of a van. (man, the van. that is a WHOLE other barrel of problems. -_-' )

so, i've started a fundraiser. my base goal is enough to put a downpayment on the car, pay the first month's insurance and get it tagged. any help that anyone can give (whether it's only $1 or if it's only a share/retweet/reblog) is deeply appreciated.

please, i need all the help i can get so that maybe i can have a chance at the full time position that's opened up at our store. <---fundraiser is here.

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account!

real life

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