Well Executed, a Transformers G1 fic

Apr 26, 2011 17:52

Title: Well Executed
Universe: G1
Rating: PG13
Characters: Starscream, unnamed Intel agent
Warnings: implied sexual content.
Summary: When pranking, always make sure someone else is around to conveniently take the blame.
Notes: written for the April 2011 challenge at the Cybertronians group over on DA.

With a smile, the mech slipped into the chair in front of the computer console. Really, after all these vorns, Starscream should know better than to leave the system logged on and easily accessible-especially with the Trine he had. It was almost like the Seeker wanted to make things easy on him.

Quickly, he uploaded the current contents of Screamer’s project folder. He chuckled at the presence of several weapons that were obviously intended to do nothing but destroy Megatron and cringed at an object or two that had to be for Skywarp’s personal gratification. But, unspeakable contents or not, the whole project folder was important and he saved it all.

Then, he switched modes and began uploading a file of his own onto Starscream’s hard drive.


Early in the day cycle, Starscream made his way down to his workroom-a space far too small to be called a proper lab-and settled himself in front of his computer. If he was fortunate, he would be able to get a few groons of work in before Skywarp was online to pester him or before Megatron could continually demand his presence. It would be nice to just relax and review his work from the day before while having his morning fuel.

He took a drink of his energon and powered on his monitor. As quickly as the monitor powered up, he spat the energon across the screen, covering the image it displayed in bright pink.


Starscream stalked out of the room as energon dripped onto the floor, exposing a crudely drawn animation of himself fornicating with Shockwave. Quietly, a hidden camera continued recording the now-empty room.

transformers g1, fic in my journal, writing, transformers, fanfic

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