Yay! That's awesome :D I've wanted that Kangaskhan zukan for a long time <3 And I'm not sure if the Slowpoke Tomy figure I have is legit, so I'd like to replace it :P Which things from my sales are you interested in? Oh and I'm not sure if you'd be interested in these, but I have a couple of Alolan Raichu items I was going to add to my sales. The clip thing is $12 and the keychain is $8 ^_^
NNNGG. Omg. ;m; I have some serious decisions to make, here. Don't worry, as long as you're up for a trade, that Kangaskhan is yours . It's just that you have several things I'll need to decide on, that big fluffy Alolan Rai plush being one of them. My wants list is in no way a full, comprehensive list. In fact, its pretty incomplete. I left out quite a bit of Alolan Raichu stuff.. XD
I will have an answer for you shortly and will let you know! Either way, I'm agreeing to trade. =]
Haha no problem ^_^ I totally understand about the wants list. It took me a while to get around to updating mine ;) I'll go reply to your other comment :D
OKAY. So let me know what you think of the following..
Assuming the larger Raichu charm on the right is $12, how would you feel about me taking that, the Sylveon petit plush and the Leafon/Glaceon MPC's? That puts me up to $34 worth of items. The Kangaskhan zukan is $30, the Slowpoke Tomy is $3. I'd take care of the $1.00 difference, lol. Let me know what you think!
Thank you so much for putting Kangaskhan and Slowpoke aside for me <3 The charm on the right (the one with Raichu sitting down) is actually the one that is $8 :) I don't know why the clip thing is so expensive haha. I can definitely trade you for those plushies you listed :) You decided to pass on the big Alolan Rai? ;) I could give you a discount for it. I'd love for it to go into your awesome Raichu collection :D <3 Do you want to make me an offer on it? :) But if you'd rather not take it, that's totally ok too ^_^ (Oh and if you'd rather not take the Raichu, we can just forget about the $1 difference xD)
No problem at all! I can definitely relate to really, really wanting something for a while.
I'm really conflicted, haha. Don't worry, I'll figure it out. I LOVE that Raichu, but I've taken such a liking to Eeveelutions as well lately. I could ask if you would be willing to consider $15 for the price of big Alolan Raichu, so that way maybe your end of the trade could look something like this:
Alolan Raichu charm - $8 Big Alolan Raichu plush - $15 Sylveon Petit - $10 Total: $33
But $20 is already a great price for that particular plush. Please don't feel any pressure! You definitely will not be expected to lower prices to complete a trade, I just thought I would ask about it. ^^ Otherwise, keeping Raichu's price of $20.00 now puts me at a $5.00 difference since I'm apparently hell-bent on that petit Sylveon. xD
If you don't mind my asking, is there anything you've been wanting for a long time that you still haven't gotten yet? Maybe I can help you find it/them :)
Don't worry, there's no rush at all :) You can take as much time as you need to decide. If you still want to include the Leafeon and Glaceon, would you want to trade them for some more of your Tomy figures? I'm interested in your Accelgor, Pidgeotto, Parasect, and Dewgong :)
I'll definitely take $15 for that plush :) I really would love for it to go to you ^_^
Edit: Oops, I just noticed that Dewgong is only $1, so it doesn't equal out to the same amount of $12. I can try to find something else in your sales if you'd like. Just let me know ;)
So sorry! For some reason, I thought I responded..?
I'd LOVE to take Glaceon and Leafon, but someone has previously committed to Parasect. As for Pidgeotto and Dewgong, someone has expressed interesting in trading for them (although I have not heard back). Accelgor is immediately available, of course!
Thanks for being so patient/flexible with me! ;m; It's also unbelievably sweet of you to offer to help me find an item I've been looking for! The number one thing I can think of at the moment is that Raichu trading figure. I'm kicking myself for not buying it when it ead available online years ago.. ;A;
Do you have pics of your collection up somewhere? I'd love to see where Kangaskhan and her teeny baby will be going :D
Do you want me to hold onto them for you for now? No problem about the Tomy figures being committed to. Would you happen to have any other items that aren't in your sales that you'd be willing to part with?
No problem at all ^_^ Thank you so much for trading with me <3 Ahh the Raichu trading figure. Actually I think we had talked about that when you first joined the community. It is hard to find :( If I ever see one for sale I'll definitely let you know!
I've been meaning to take collection pics for years but never got around to it xD I took a bunch of collection pics just now but I probably won't have time to post them until either tonight or tomorrow after I get home from work. I'll let you know when they're up :D
As it turns out, all of my Tomy figures excluding Nidoking, Parasect and Pignite are available. :)
Aw, again that's really sweet of you to offer! At the moment, I don't have too much more I'm willing to let go of. ;A; I have a few more figural banks I had planned on adding (Venusaur, Nidoran M and Nidoran F, and a clear Mewtwo), possibly a Sylveon strap plush. She arrived with her hang tag a little bent and she has a small amount of fabric glue showing where the pink patch of fur meets on her forehead, but otherwise is in good condition).
Once again, your help is very appreciated! I can't believe how unbelievably hard this figure is to find. Best I can do is keep looking. xD Definitely let me know when you have pics up!
Hi again, hope I'm not being a pest! I'm excited about the items we discussed, even if that does not include the Leafeon/Glaceon MPC plush. Are you still feeling up for a trade? :)
Hi again! I'm so sorry I hadn't written back yet ;-; I was trying to finish my collection post before I wrote back so that I could link you to it...but that post is taking me forever T_T It will get done eventually :P I think I took a little too many photos xD
I'm definitely still up for a trade :) So sorry again for the delay in getting back to you :(
Perfect! Sounds fair to me. :D no pressure of course, but I'm anxious to see your collection! Do you have the Kangaskhan variant zukan with baby in the pouch?
I will have an answer for you shortly and will let you know! Either way, I'm agreeing to trade. =]
Assuming the larger Raichu charm on the right is $12, how would you feel about me taking that, the Sylveon petit plush and the Leafon/Glaceon MPC's? That puts me up to $34 worth of items. The Kangaskhan zukan is $30, the Slowpoke Tomy is $3. I'd take care of the $1.00 difference, lol. Let me know what you think!
I'm really conflicted, haha. Don't worry, I'll figure it out. I LOVE that Raichu, but I've taken such a liking to Eeveelutions as well lately. I could ask if you would be willing to consider $15 for the price of big Alolan Raichu, so that way maybe your end of the trade could look something like this:
Alolan Raichu charm - $8
Big Alolan Raichu plush - $15
Sylveon Petit - $10
Total: $33
But $20 is already a great price for that particular plush. Please don't feel any pressure! You definitely will not be expected to lower prices to complete a trade, I just thought I would ask about it. ^^ Otherwise, keeping Raichu's price of $20.00 now puts me at a $5.00 difference since I'm apparently hell-bent on that petit Sylveon. xD
Don't worry, there's no rush at all :) You can take as much time as you need to decide. If you still want to include the Leafeon and Glaceon, would you want to trade them for some more of your Tomy figures? I'm interested in your Accelgor, Pidgeotto, Parasect, and Dewgong :)
I'll definitely take $15 for that plush :) I really would love for it to go to you ^_^
Edit: Oops, I just noticed that Dewgong is only $1, so it doesn't equal out to the same amount of $12. I can try to find something else in your sales if you'd like. Just let me know ;)
I'd LOVE to take Glaceon and Leafon, but someone has previously committed to Parasect. As for Pidgeotto and Dewgong, someone has expressed interesting in trading for them (although I have not heard back). Accelgor is immediately available, of course!
Thanks for being so patient/flexible with me! ;m; It's also unbelievably sweet of you to offer to help me find an item I've been looking for! The number one thing I can think of at the moment is that Raichu trading figure. I'm kicking myself for not buying it when it ead available online years ago.. ;A;
Do you have pics of your collection up somewhere? I'd love to see where Kangaskhan and her teeny baby will be going :D
Do you want me to hold onto them for you for now? No problem about the Tomy figures being committed to. Would you happen to have any other items that aren't in your sales that you'd be willing to part with?
No problem at all ^_^ Thank you so much for trading with me <3 Ahh the Raichu trading figure. Actually I think we had talked about that when you first joined the community. It is hard to find :( If I ever see one for sale I'll definitely let you know!
I've been meaning to take collection pics for years but never got around to it xD I took a bunch of collection pics just now but I probably won't have time to post them until either tonight or tomorrow after I get home from work. I'll let you know when they're up :D
Aw, again that's really sweet of you to offer! At the moment, I don't have too much more I'm willing to let go of. ;A; I have a few more figural banks I had planned on adding (Venusaur, Nidoran M and Nidoran F, and a clear Mewtwo), possibly a Sylveon strap plush. She arrived with her hang tag a little bent and she has a small amount of fabric glue showing where the pink patch of fur meets on her forehead, but otherwise is in good condition).
Once again, your help is very appreciated! I can't believe how unbelievably hard this figure is to find. Best I can do is keep looking. xD Definitely let me know when you have pics up!
No problem about not wanting to let go of much more. I know the feeling!
:) I've been working on my collection post the past couple of days but it's taking me forever xD I will let you know when it's done :)
I'm definitely still up for a trade :) So sorry again for the delay in getting back to you :(
I feel like such a jerk, lol. I'm so sorry D8 It's really no problem at all!! I can absolutely trade Awake Raichu, Accelgor and Pidgeotto!
Awesome :) Ok, so does this all look good? :D
Your stuff: Kangaskhan zukan $30, Slowpoke Tomy $3, Accelgor Tomy $3, Pidgeotto Tomy $3, awake Raichu Kuttari $6 = $45
My stuff: Alolan Raichu charm $8, Big Alolan Raichu plush $15, Sylveon Petit $10, Glaceon MPC $6, Leafeon MPC $6 = $45
Do you want us to tell each other how much the shipping costs are and we pay for the shipping of the stuff we are receiving?
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