Hi again! I'm sorry to respond so late! Haven't been feeling well the last couple of days D: today is much better, though!
If you've been into it for that long, surely that means you were around for gen 1. *High five* represent, haha. If I had CONTINUED collecting, I'd also be able to say I've been collecting for 20 years.. xD at several points I had myself convinced that I had "outgrown" Pokemon, or I just fell out of it for long periods of time. I can totally relate to spending entirely too much, and not wanting to go down that avenue in life again. I had actually done that myself not too long ago. Unfortunately, it's easily done @__@ especially depending on where you're at with your collection/in your life in general. Either way, your big plush wall is absolutely lovely. After looking at your pics, I decided I needed those Nidos myself. xD Here's terrible pics of my shelf so far
Some Raichus aren't visible since I literally have plush on top of plush.. I definitely could have set this up better, but for now it works and they look way better this way, as opposed to sitting in a box waiting for a shelf to sit on, haha.
If you have a figure shelf, obviously you collect Tomys too? Tomy/Moncolle figures are the ONE thing I have never been able to shake my obsession for. And of course, they get harder to find and more expensive as the days go by. ;__; I'm not doing too bad in that area, however lol
Granted.. these look far better on a shelf than in a box, but I'm still working on the shelves part. Your figure shelves are killer. Plush are wonderful, but your figures my actually be my favorite part, haha. Do you collect FCS figures or Battle Museum figures as well? When you get Kangaskhan all set up, please show me pics!
Last but not least.. I apologize, totally forgot to include my zip! It's 93635, I'm in the US. :)
Hi :) Don’t worry about it at all! I haven’t been feeling well either the past couple of days ;-; I’m glad to hear that you’re doing much better today <3
You’re right, I was around for gen 1 ;) *High five* :D I think I was older than a lot of the collectors on here though (I was 12 when Pokemon first came to North America) :P Most people on here talk about being in diapers when gen 1 was around and I’m here thinking “ok…I’m an old lady” xD I sort of gave up on Pokemon a couple times too, and unfortunately donated several items from my collection ;-;, but I never completely removed it from my life. I always kept my most favourite items (some plushies, figures, and trading cards) and I still played the games. Yeah, spending a ton on Pokemon sure is easy to do when there are so many awesome items out there ;-; I still spend quite a bit, but nothing compared to what I was spending a little while ago. Thank you so much <3 You really should get those Nidos for yourself :D They are so adorable! <3
Thank you for sharing pics of your collection :D I love your Raichus, of course ;) <3 Is the Psyduck a mirage plush? It looks so cute <3 And ahh those Pokemon Time Espeon and Umbreon <3 I regret not buying them when they came out. Now they’re super expensive x_x Isn’t that new small Kororin/Tsum Raichu so cute? xD I just got mine in the mail a couple of days ago and I love it :) I like the big one, but I’ve been considering selling it x_x I’ve weeded out a lot of my bigger plushies lately because my collection room is so crowded. That’s awesome that you have the Raichu backpack :D That was the first Raichu plushie I ever got :) My mum found it for me at a thrift store. I used to have two, but the second one was donated years ago ;-;
I totally feel you on the “not being able to see certain plush because they’re buried by other plush” thing xD That’s another reason why I’ve been trying to weed stuff lately. I want to actually be able to see my collection. Not have it buried :( But I know it’s hard when you have limited space. You’re so right about it being better to have them displayed than them being in a box. I often see collectors talk about them having a bunch of stuff in storage. I have a few things packed up, but most of my stuff is on display, even though it’s messy :P I think the way you’ve set them up looks great :) Thanks again for sharing photos <3
I do collect Tomys :) I haven’t been buying many these days, but I still love them. It looks like you have some really rare and awesome Tomys in that box :D That’s awesome that you kept them! When Pokemon first came out, I got some of the Hasbro packs of them (the 2 and 3 packs). But after gen 1, I didn’t get many other Tomys until gen 5. Lately I’ve only been buying the Tomys I really like, whereas during gen 5 I tried to buy as many as I could xD It’s just too expensive for me to get them all…as much as I’d love to :P Also, here in Canada, or at least here in my city, we don’t get all of the releases that the US does :( Like we never got those new Kanto starter pose figures. I was sad about that ;-; I also wanted the new pose Zygarde 10%...but that never showed up either :( I know I could just buy them online, but they’re usually pretty expensive. Which Tomys from your collection are your favourites? :D
Thank you so much for the compliments about my collection shelves <3 I have a couple of FCS and Battle Museum figures, but not many. I usually just buy ones I really like, so I don’t really collect them. I think they are awesome, though :) Do you collect them? I will definitely show you pics of Kangaskhan when she is set-up :D <3 Can you show me pics of your stuff when you receive it too? :)
Thanks for giving me your zip code :) Here’s the total for the shipping: $12.72. Sorry it’s kind of a lot >_< Raichu is pretty big. Whenever you’re ready, please send $12.72 in USD to alypalyola (@) gmail (.) com. I’ll send my amount for shipping over once you’ve determined it :) But again, no rush at all ;)
Edit: I finally finished uploading my collection photos :P I changed some of the ones that were there already because I got a few new things in the mail, but not all of them are up to date. Sorry some of the photos are blurry x_x
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I feel like everyone I either know personally or have talked to in the past few days has come down with something, go figure. In regards to this: You’re right, I was around for gen 1 ;) *High five* :D I think I was older than a lot of the collectors on here though
Haha, SERIOUSLY. Pretty sure I'm one of the old ladies too (going to be 29 on the 29th of next month). For us, Red/Blue and all the North American Hasbro stuff was a way of life. I hate to be a total genwunner or whatever, but I think it's kind of ingrained in us at this point. xD Granted, I think you'll always find that you have a handful of favorites from every generation, but Kanto (and Johto, let's be honest) Pokemon really have a way of clinging to you. I can certainly relate to not being able to stomach totally removing your Pokemon things from your life, even when you thought you were over it (how little we knew at the time).
No problem, sharing a couple of pictures is nothing compared to the massive image library you've had to compile, haha. Unfortunately, what I shared doesn't include figures, but eventually I'll get around to setting those up somewhere. Pysduck is definitely a mirage! That poor squished Elekid behind him is as well, as are two of the Raichus on top. One is obvious, and the other is basically a 'bootleg' of the Hasbro beanie pattern. Mirage plushies are so weird xD and I mean that in the best possible way. I've noticed that they're all stuffed really solid/tend to feel heavier than official plush. The same is true for the Hasbro copy. He's stuffed so full, he's actually a little larger than the Hasbro Raichu that everyone and their mom has. There's also this guy
I've never been the biggest Pichu fan, but this one was too bizarre to pass up. He's huge.. and he sings. I'd love to keep collecting mirages, but they're so insanely expensive @__@ talk about overdoing it with money.
That Raichu backpack really brings up a lot of memories, doesn't it? What a wonderful first-ever Raichu plush! ;A; Your mom really lucked out when she found it in the thrift store, even then! It's practically impossible to find outside of eBay. I'm assuming a lot of that has to do with the fact that it was available back when Pikachu was shamelessly promoted in basically every form of merch you can think of.. there really was no Raichu love back then, lol (though judging by the amount of plush you and I both have, I'm glad Game Freak has wised up.. xD ). The new Tsum Tsum plush is most DEFINITELY one of my favorites. It's so tiny and cute! I managed to get that one in a pick up done by Kitzune. You've got to appreciate the sheer amount of work some of our comm members put into these big store runs. ;__;
I remember the Hasbro 2 and 3 packs so fondly, haha. That honestly makes up about 50% of the Tomy figures I currently own! Finding those on store shelves was always so exciting. The amount of plastic Master ball halves you'd end up with after you accumulated several packs was ridiculous. I can't believe you guys didn't get the new starter poses D: what is that even about?! Fortunately, there is online shopping for those types of situations, but sometimes you really get burnt on paying for shipping. Especially knowing your neighbors right below you have access to those same items. Which were your favs from gen 5? 10% Zygarde is pretty amazing. I almost feel like I'd get attacked by fans for even saying this, but I sometimes I kind of wish that Zygarde could have retained some kind of canine form. 100% looks more like an ultimate evo Digimon, not that there is anything wrong with that! At least its intimidating. xP
Thank you :) Yeah, a bunch of people I know are sick right now too -_-
Haha you are not an old lady yet :P I consider people in their 30’s and up to be old…so you’re getting close but you’re not quite there yet xD I’m 31 so I’m one of the old ladies :P And that’s exciting that you’re having your special birthday next month :D Mine was 28 on the 28th (of January) :) My family always makes a big deal out of those “special birthdays” xD Red/Blue and Hasbro stuff was totally a way of life, I agree. Haha don’t ever worry about sounding like a genwunner around me. I love gen 1 a lot, so I always enjoy talking about it (especially about how good it is) xD I can’t see myself ever enjoying another Pokemon game the way I did my Blue game. I know people always talk about all the improvements in the new games, and yes, some things are better in the new games, but the original games were very special to me and what started it all…so nothing else is going to beat that nostalgia and those bunch of happy memories ;) Most of my favourite Pokemon are from gen 1, but like you said, I do have favourites from each gen. Which gen is your least favourite? What are some of your least favourite Pokemon? Least favourite set of starters? Sorry so many questions but I’m curious to know xD
Haha it was no problem xD I’m just sorry the pictures were so awful. I have no camera/photography skills x_x I am excited to see your figures once they are set up :D The Psyduck mirage is awesome! That’s so cool that you have two mirage Raichus too! I too wish they weren’t so expensive…some of them are really cute! That’s funny that Pichu sings :P And yeah, Pichu is definitely my least favourite of the chu line. I used to love the Gizamimi/Spiky Eared Pichu…even though the only difference from a regular Pichu is that she has a spiky ear…and I never even saw the Arceus movie she was in xD I don’t care much for her anymore, so I’m selling my whole collection of her except for a couple things. I still really love her sleeping plushie. It’s really adorable.
Ok my comment is too long...so I'll continue it in a sec :P
Who was your starter?! I *totally* get the Charmander and Bulbasaur love, but I always picked Squirtle. The moment you get the Ice Beam TM in Celadon City, Gary is done for. Apparently, I picked the "easy" route. Sounds like something I'd do, haha. That experience led to me picking subsequent water starters, though. Totodile, Mudkip.. No regrets on either. Swampert was a beast. @__@
It's actually kind of great to know I've got one year left before i'm officially old, haha. Having said that, though.. I really don't consider 31 to be old at all. e__e lol I get where you're coming from, though. At least as far as collectors go. Feels like everyone we talk to is in their early to mid 20's at the most. MUST BE NICE. I so get not being able to enjoy another game like you did Blue, though. Same for me, haha. I'll never get the OMG feeling that comes with visiting the Safari Zone for the first Time. Running into Kangaskhan, Chansey, Pinsir, Scyther or Dratini was such a big deal. Them running away was enough to make you scream bloody murder, too. ;__;
Least favorite gen.. that would have to be 5. I KNOW, I know. lots of people like 5, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's just that I'm not particularly taken with ANY of the starters, or designs for that matter. Gen 5 was just NOT my favorite, much like gen 7 was to a lot of other people. Having said that, I DO have a thing for Krokodile and Reuniclus, however (Reuiniclus is so cute. >__< Reminds me of a much cuter version of the Zygarde cell). Actually, come to think of it, I'm right there with you - Scraggy and Joltik are pretty great. Not NEARLY enough spider love. <3 Besides that, Galvantula on its own is awesome. Which gen (beyond 1) is your fav? Which Pokemon from gen 5 do you like the most? I may be in the minority here, but as far as gen 3 goes.. I don't dislike Nosepass xD
I'd never would have thought the US had more of a selection than anywhere else! Granted, my experience in shopping for Pokemon merch in person has been pretty limited.. but I've always assumed we simply didn't get certain figures here in the US. Turns out, we DID get certain US releases of hard to find figures.. Gastly and Persian being among them. I can't decipher between the JP and US versions of the Persian Tomy, but apparently the US Gastly figure had a brighter colored "gas cloud." DId your mom ever end up telling you YEAH SURE, let's go shopping in the US? I bet the exchange rate was absolutely killer. BTW, I didn't take it as you complaining at all. I'd also probably pitch a fit if I had to pay such a crazy amount JUST for common Tomy figures.
Yeah, Blue was my first Pokemon game :D I chose Charmander ;) I thought most people hated Bulbasaur? :P It seems to be pretty popular on the comm, but back when I played the games no one liked or chose Bulbasaur xD Squirtle is super cute :D I got the special edition Pokemon New 3DS (the one with the Blastoise and Charizard cover plates) and it came with Blue and Red on the virtual console :D I decided to play Red first since I had originally played Blue, and I ended up choosing Squirtle :) On my Blue version I’ll pick Bulbasaur. Then I’ll have tried all three starters :D I think Squirtle is the medium route, Charmander is the hard, and Bulbasaur is the easy. At the beginning of the game anyway because the first two gyms are weak against grass Pokemon, one is weak against water…and my poor baby Charmander needed to level up super high to beat those gyms because it was weak against both >_< haha. I picked Totodile and Mudkip too :) Then in gen 4 I went back to fire again. Swampert was a beast :P
Haha yes! Enjoy being young while you still can :P ;) I guess 31 isn’t too old…but you’re totally right about feeling like everyone we talk to on here is in their early to mid 20’s at most :P They make me feel old -_- :P Ahh you are so right about visiting the Safari Zone for the first time! It took me forever to get some of those Pokemon haha. At least a couple of them could be bought at the Game Corner prize place ;) Ahh remember how long it took to get enough coins for Porygon? O_O
I like gen 5 xD But I can understand why some people wouldn’t. I didn’t like the starters at first, but they grew on me eventually. I don’t understand all the love for N. I find him pretty boring…but I won’t say that to anyone here or I might get attacked xD There were definitely a lot of ugly Pokemon from that gen. I really don’t like the ice cream Pokemon xD Well, the baby Vanillite is sort of cute, but its evolutions not so much :P Oh really? I didn’t know that a lot of people disliked gen 7 :o I thought everyone loved it (except me haha). Those are both cute Pokemon, for sure :D I love the whole Krookodile line :) I like Galvantula too, which is weird because I think real life spiders are really ugly…especially tarantulas :P I have the MPC plush and it’s really cute <3 Other than gen 1, I think my favourite would be gen 2. I loved being able to explore Johto, then being able to go back to Kanto :D I also have some favourites from that gen ^_^ The Pokemon I like most from gen 5 are: Joltik, Scraggy, Scrafty, Venipede, Sandile and I’m usually not crazy about many legendaries, but I think Black and White Kyurem are neat (in a strange way) :P Haha I’ve never liked Nosepass xD But surprisingly, I’ve heard other people say they like it. So you’re not alone xD Do you like Probopass too?
Haha yeah, Canada is kind of awful for Pokemon merch -_- One good thing is that we get pretty much all the TCG sets. I’ve heard that some countries hardly get any of those. Ahh I’ve always wanted a Persian Tomy to go with my Meowth :) My poor Meowth was played with so much that its whiskers broke off ;-; But I ended up getting another one a while later that still has its whisker intact ;) I LOVE the new Alolan Meowth Tomy figure. It’s SO CUTE :P That’s random about the US Gastly figure being different from the JPN one :P I wonder if that happened with other figures? Haha yes! My mom did go shopping with me in the US a couple of times :D We went to Watertown and Syracuse. We were so excited to go to stores that we didn’t have here in Canada like Hot Topic and Target xD We now have Hot Topic and we had Target…for less than two years before all the stores closed because the company wasn’t making any money from Canadians ;-; Oh my god yes! That exchange rate is always a killer D: Actually I remember one year when we went for like the first time ever the Canadian dollar was better than the USD. We were so happy xD The CAD is way down again now, of course. I just bought this massive girl Pikachu plush for $140 USD…which exchanged to $250 CAD O_O The torture ;-; That’s one of the reasons why I’ve cut back so much on buying Pokemon stuff. It’s too expensive with the awful exchange rate ugh >_< Most of my Tomy figures are stored, unfortunately, but I can probably write a list out from memory xD Ok so from the first 151 I have: Bulbasaur (I think my Sugimori one is legit, but not sure about my regular one), Iysaur (now have a for sure legit one from you <3), Venusaur (not sure if legit), Charmander, Charmeleon (regular and Sugimori), Charizard, Squirtle (regular and Sugimori), Wartortle, Blastoise, Metapod, Butterfree, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Fearow, Spearow, Ekans, Arbok, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidoran female, Nidorina, Nidoran male, Nidorino, Nidoking, Clefairy, Clefable (I think haha), Ninetails (I think it’s legit not sure), Venonat, Diglet, Dugtrio, Meowth, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey (I think it’s legit but not sure), Growlithe, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Alakazam, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Vitrebell, Geodude, Golem, Ponyta (I think it’s legit), Slowpoke, Slowbro (not sure if it’s legit), Doduo (I think haha), Seel, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno (I think it’s legit), Krabby, Kingler, Cubone, Marowak, Exeggutor, Koffing, Staryu, Starmie, Jynx (not sure if legit), Tauros (not sure if legit), Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras, Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Omastar, Aerodactyl (I can’t remember for sure if I have this one…but I think I do), Snorlax, Articuno (I can’t remember for sure if I have this one), Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Mew. Ok I think that’s all of them. Sorry for the block of text xD I know I’ll never get the whole collection (can’t afford it), but here are some I hope to get someday: Sugimori Ivysaur, Sugimori Charmander, Sugimori Wartortle, Caterpie, Weedle, Nidoqueen, Arcanine, Abra, Kangaskhan (my baby ;-;), Magmar, Vaporeon (to complete my Eevee set), Omanyte, Kabuto...ok so I do want a lot xD But I’m not actively looking for them right now. If I come across them for a good price I might buy them, though :D Oh and everything I listed is from the original set, not any of those new Matte ones. I have some of those too though :D Which ones are you missing? It would probably be a shorter list for you to type out than what you have xD Thank you so much for offering to help me complete my set :) Who knows…maybe someday ^_^ I really hope you can complete your set :D If there are certain ones you want more than others just let me know and I’ll keep my eye out for them :)
Garurumon is cool :D That’s too bad that he doesn’t have much merch and that the merch he does have is expensive :( I always liked the cute ones xD I think I’d have to go with Gatomon and Patamon as my favourites. Ughh I totally agree about the droid/human hybrid thing! I was so disappointed when Gatomon first digivolved into Angewomon. I was like “whatttt she’s supposed to be some big cat beast” :P Same with Patamon and Angemon :P
I actually have a ton of Spiky eared Pichu stuff available xD I have plushies for sure (they’re in my sales post). I think I may have sold all the figures I had. I have some keychain figures that I haven’t added to my sales yet, though, but I can just add them to your next package if you’d like :D Have you seen many of the Pokemon movies? I saw the first movie in the theatre and was so sad when Ash was supposedly dead (even though I knew he wasn’t…but all those crying Pokemon D:) xD I think I also saw the 2000 movie in theatres too, but that’s it. The rest of the ones I saw were on DVD. Haha I totally don’t judge you for liking Jessie and James/Team Rocket! :P I always thought they were hilarious when I watched the show (the Kanto episodes) xD And totally about us all having a friend we were totally co-dependent on :P This is so random, but do you remember Team Rocket in the Jigglypuff episode when they were singing? That was so hilarious xD
Don’t worry at all! I take even longer to respond xD We are both busy, so no rush :) I am so happy about the Tomy figures! Thank you so so much for giving them to me <3 I actually got the package yesterday :D But I unfortunately could only pick it up today because there was a customs charge I needed to pay at the post office ;-; I totally forgot to ask you if you could mark down the value of the package because Canada is one of those countries that charges custom fees on mail (anything over $20 in value) -_-‘ I LOVE the Kangaskhan picture you drew for me!! It’s super cute! <3 Do you mind if I put it up on the wall in my Pokemon room? :D I’ve already put Raichu on my work desk :D I haven’t set-up Kanga and her baby yet, but as soon as I do I’ll post pics for you to see <3 I’m going to leave you feedback now before I forget :P Thanks so much again <3 I hope your package arrives soon!
Yes! Lots of memories brought up by the Raichu backpack :) I think the backpack plushies were more common in Canada because, if I’m not mistaken, the company that made them is Canadian. I used to see them in thrift stores all the time back in the early Pokemon days. My mum had gotten a bunch of different ones for me…but they’re all gone now ;-; except for Raichu, a Charmander, and a big fat Pikachu :P I am SO happy Game Freak has finally decided to give Raichu love! :D It’s so true that there wasn’t any Raichu love back in the old days ;-; Oh yes! I remember seeing that Kitzune was offering pick-ups of the Tsum Raichu. I got mine on Y!J because I can usually find a few of them in one lot for a good price. I totally agree about appreciating the work that some comm members put into store runs/pick ups. It must be so much hard work x_x The time it would take to do all that packing…and the space all those items would take up in your house/apartment. Crazy!
It was always so exciting to see those Hasbro pack on the store shelves :D I really wish I had bought more…but that was back when I had to survive on allowance money…so I couldn’t buy too many :P I wish I had kept at least one of those Master balls xD I know! It’s so annoying that the stores here hardly ever get the new Tomy figures ;-; Maybe I should just buy them online, even though the shipping cost is stupid. I love the Kanto starters so much ;-; I noticed that they don’t have them on the official Tomy site, which is strange. You guys in the US have always gotten better stuff than Canada xD I remember when I was younger I’d always beg my mum to take us shopping in the US because there would be a ton of Pokemon things I’d never seen in my life haha. We’re not super far from the border (a couple of hours), but the exchange rate is usually deadly…so it gets expensive x_x Even now when I buy something from the community, it ends up costing me WAY more than what the listed price is because of the conversion of currency -_- Oh well haha. I’ll stop complaining now, sorry xD My faves from gen 5 are: Scraggy, Scrafty, and Joltik. What are yours? I wish Zygarde retained a canine form too. We can get attacked by fans together xD 100% is definitely my least favourite Zygarde form. Now that you mention it, it does look like an ultimate evo Digimon xD Did you watch that show too? I watched the first season and a little bit of the second season (and I think like 3 episodes of the 3rd season), but that’s it. Digimon merch is another thing I regret giving away ;-; I kept some of my toys and one of my plushies, but that’s it -_- I recently bought some of the Tsum Digimon plushies. They’re so cute!! They are just like the Pokemon ones. I also bought this really cute Gatomon plush. She’s wearing Kari’s clothes :P I don’t want to buy too much Digimon stuff, though, because I need my money for Pokemon xD...and food and bills too I guess haha.
My fav Tomys from my own collection are the whole Gengar line, both Nido lines, new pose Raichu, Skitty and Delcatty. Oh, and the Eeveelution set.. when they arrive. Waiting on something you've been wanting for a long time is the worst part.
I will absolutely show you pics! I'm already trying to work out where that big fat Raichu is going to go, lol. Clearly need to get more shelves.. that REMINDS ME. Did you set up your entire collection by yourself?! How did that not drive you crazy and HOW did you find the shelf space? I'm impressed by your collection for so many reasons, haha. If you've updated pics, can you link me to where you have them posted? :D
I'm not at all concerned about the shipping costs! I'm just excited to trade. I knew shipping several plush would not be the most inexpensive thing ever. :D My postal scale is years old, and I think its dying on me. I've got your zukan and all your other items boxed up, so I'll go ahead and take that down to the post office tomorrow and get your quote. Would it be alright for me to ship your things out on the 31st? I know that's kind of a wait. D: Also sorry to type up this big huge novel for you to read every time!
I'm really sorry. I had to break up this massively huge comment, lol
Ahh yes! The Gengar line of Tomys are awesome! I only have Gengar. I have a bootleg Haunter -_- And I totally agree about the Nido lines! I'm only missing Nidoqueen ;-; The others you mentioned are cute too <3 Are you waiting for the newer Eeveelution set, or the older one? It so is ;-;
Haha yeah, that big Raichu does take up a bit of space xD I did set up my entire collection by myself. It did drive me a little crazy and it took several hours xD I pretty much had to squish stuff onto the shelves to fit them on. That's why everything looks so crowded ;-; haha. I unfortunately could only display some of my Tomy figures because I ran out of space for them. I'm hoping to someday get some wall shelves to put the Tomys (and some other figures that aren't currently on display) on. Thank you so much :) <3 Your collection is really awesome too! :D Here's the link :) It's on the same page as the one I showed you before, but I added and changed some photos ^_^ http://deranged-girl.livejournal.com/35006.html
I'm excited to trade too :D I just have to seal up your box, then it's good to go :) Yeah, you can definitely ship my stuff out on the 31st! No problem at all :) I'm totally ok with waiting. It will be an awesome surprise when they arrive :D Haha no problem about the novel! I always write novels too ;)
It's ok xD I'm going to write back to your other message asap. I had a long day at work so I'm going to bed in a few minutes :P
Aw man ;__; I've been suckered into buying bootlegged figures more times than I care to admit. I'm always perusing lots of Tomy figures on eBay and Y!J. If I ever happen to come into the possession of an extra Haunter or Nidoqueen, I'll definitely let you know. I'm waiting on the set of re-posed Eeveelutions:
The newest poseable Eeveelus don't grab me the same way, haha. Although I'm sure that will be different when the Umbreon/Espeon/Sylveon 3 pack is released.
I think we're going to be doomed to squishing stuff onto already jam-packed shelves for as long as we're still collecting, haha. xD I can't ever see really feeling like you have ENOUGH space. It took me at least an hour to set up those two shelves I showed you, and even then I'm STILL not happy with them. I can't imagine the moment you had when you took a step back and decided your massive plush wall finally looked the way you wanted it to, haha. That last pic towards the bottom of your collection - are those ALL pins?? What a serious variety you've got going on. ;; I've been meaning to collect more charms/things of that nature, but I've been so focused on plush and figures.
As far as feeling like you have to respond with something as equally massive as my comment before yours goes, don't think twice about it! I know when I get home from work, I'm done and that's it. I certainly can't be bothered to type out something lengthy most days, lol. That you got this far is saying a lot. xD
About to PM you my address! Happy to say your package is sealed up and ready to go. C:
Boo to bootlegs >_< The ones I bought were back when a local comic shop started getting figures in stock. I was pretty sure they were fake, but I bought them anyway because I really wanted figures of certain Pokemon :P I had the Ewok Village from Star Wars set-up in my room and all of my Tomy Pokemon figures were displayed on top of it xD I was a weirdo haha. I’m always so scared of buying Tomy figures because of the many bootlegs out there :( I like buying them from people on the community who collect them themselves. That way I have more confidence that they’d know if the ones they are selling are fakes. Y!J is usually pretty safe too…but I don’t trust eBay :P I buy from eBay sometimes, but only when I know something is official. With Tomy figures it can be hard to tell sometimes :( Thanks so much for letting me know if you come across an extra Haunter or Nidoqueen :) I’d probably buy other extras you’d have as well :D That re-posed Eeveelution set looks awesome :D Hopefully it arrives soon :) I’m pretty sure all of my older pose Eeveelution Tomys are fake, except for Flareon and Eevee because those were from the Hasbro pack. I think I have all the new ones except Sylveon. I’d have to double check since they aren’t all on display. You know you have too much Pokemon stuff when you can’t even remember what you own -_-
I have to agree about the newest poseable Eeveelus. They are a bit strange looking. Hopefully the Umbreon/Espeon/Sylveon ones look better. I’m looking forward to some of the Sun/Moon figures. Even though Gen 7 is definitely not my favourite, I still like some of the Pokemon from it. I love the Alolan Meowth I got :D And I really want to get the Alolan Marowak when it’s released. Have you seen the Z move Alolan Raichu that was recently released? It’s really cool looking! :D
I think so too xD I’m never happy with the way my shelves are set up either. I wish I could somehow display them in a way that the Pokemon don’t look so crowded and messy, but again, it’s the lack of space that makes this impossible :( That last pic in my collection is a board of pins, keychains, and charms :) I used to buy a lot of those things, but I don’t so much anymore. I’m trying to just buy my absolute favourites because I don’t have much more room on that board xD I like to focus on plush and figures too. Those have always been my favourite things to collect :)
Haha yeah, I’m really lazy with replying to people, unfortunately ;-; But I’m having a lot of fun talking to you :) It’s awesome to talk to someone with so many similar interests :D
That’s awesome! Thank you so much :) I am hoping to seal yours up sometime later today.
I had the Ewok Village from Star Wars set-up in my room and all of my Tomy Pokemon figures were displayed on top of it xD I was a weirdo haha.
That's actually really awesome, haha. This totally brings up childhood memories. You always had that one specialty/game/comic shop nearby that sold Pokemon stuff that DIDN'T have "Hasbro" slapped all over it. Even at like 9 or 10 years old, you still questioned the validity of the items but OMG POKEMON so you bought them anyway. Plus, like you said, when you reeeaaally wanted figures of certain Pokemon.. I used to have a handful of mini figures and rubbery figures that I got from that exact same type of hole-in-the-wall shop. I knew the rubbery figures were bogus, but at the time I still wanted them and couldn't be bothered to care. I mainly bought the pack with allowance money because Raichu was in it. xD he was a sickly bright yellow and his cheeks were pink. Come to think of it, that included a Wigglytuff, which I'm almost certain is the exact same Wigglytuff you have available in your freebies lol. Pretty sure those were among some of the things I let go :C I kind of hate myself for doing it, I really get the feeling that the mini figures at least were legitimate. OH WELL xD that's why we're still collecting today, haha.
As far as Tomy figures go, you're right. eBay is sketchy at best, and you need to know exactly what you're looking for to keep from buying bootlegged figures. Some of them are getting unbelievably good.. the more I look at my Gastly, the more I think its a crazy convincing bootleg. I also had Kangaskhan and Pinsir figures that were near indistinguishable from the real deal, but further inspection clearly points to them being fakes. Kangaskhan had tackier paint than the original, and there was a big gap between the pouch that's glued onto its front when compared to the official thing. Paint underneath the tail was also kind of garbage compared to how nicely painted the rest of the figure was. Once again, how would someone new to collecting Tomy figures even known this stuff?! Only reason why I knew, or remotely suspected was because the seller in question also sold lots of other bootleg items. That and the Ditto I bought in the same lot was DEFINITELY bogus. The community is the best place to get worry-free figures. I also happen to know someone on FB that has a lot of gen 1 figures left if you're serious about getting Nidoqueen. :] I also juuuust scored a lot of figures, old pose Jolteon being part of that lot. The figures are described as scuffed, but if you like, I can set Jolteon aside for you!
I can TOTALLY relate to not knowing what all you actually have. I had quite a bit more several years back.. Certain things I think back on and I really regret letting it go, haha. When I found all my zukan sets in storage (I honestly forgot I had certain ones, like the Banette and Leafeon line), I thought for a moment that maybe I might miss them if I were to sell them off, xD Nope! Glad to see them go. Zukans are super cool, but there are only certain ones I want at the moment. Have you got any besides Kangaskhan? Not going to lie, they look great on figure shelves.
The only Eeveelu that looks right in that 3 pack is Flareon! Something about Vaporeon's head is off, and Jolteon looks.. so.. xD could be they'll grow on us later, haha. Ever had that happen? A certain piece of merch comes out that you're just not feeling at all, and then after some time goes by, you've suddenly decided its great and you need it. That Alolan Meowth looks like SUCH a smarmy jerk, I love him haha. Pancake Raichu is amazing, the new Z move especially so! D8 I SWEAR that thing is what its fans have been waiting for since we were kids, and I should be ashamed I don't have MORE of Alolan Raichu at this point!
I hear you, haha. There are several charm sets I really, really would like to have, but plush and figures definitely take priority. Especially given that those two things, depending on what they are, can be a lot harder to find than charms (UNLESS you're talking about Pokebox charms).
Haha ok thanks! I’m glad you don’t think I’m a total weirdo xD Yeah, some of the bootlegs I got were actually pretty ok looking whereas some of the others…not so much :/ haha. That’s so funny that the Wigglytuff included in that rubbery figure pack was the same one I have in my freebies xD I actually don’t remember where I got that… but it probably was at my local comic book shop :P I still have some mini figures that I bought too but I have my doubts about their legitimacy. Again, some of them look pretty ok, but I doubt that comic book shop would have many legit figures, if any :(
Yeah, eBay is definitely not my favourite place to shop for Pokemon stuff. I recently found a Korean seller on there, though, and they were willing to pick up the new sleeping Kanto starter plushies (they’re super cute!) for me, so that’s exciting :D They even agreed to list them later this week because I wasn’t getting paid until then! I’ve bought a couple of other plushies from them before and they all had the official sticker on them that Korean plushies do, so I’m pretty sure everything they sell is legit :) So yeah, there are some pretty cool sellers on there ;) But there are also way too many overpriced and fake items -_- I hope your Gastly is legit ;-; Aww that’s unfortunate to hear that the Kangaskhan Tomy has a really convincing bootleg! It’s one of the Tomy figures I want the most :’( Ahh yeah, when I see that a seller is posting bootleg items I usually stay away. The community is definitely great for getting worry-free figures, but I’ve gotten fakes on here a couple of times :( I think each time it was plush, not figures, though. Some people aren’t really experts and don’t realize they are selling fakes, and I can’t realize I’m buying a fake until I see it up-close and in person :/ I find that Y!J Auctions is usually pretty good for having legit stuff, but of course there are bootleg sellers on there as well. I think I know the person you are talking about being on Facebook. They posted about having a full collection of Tomy figures that they’d sell as a lot or individually, right? I unfortunately can’t afford to buy Nidoqueen right now (spent way too much on that stupid Pikachu plush x_x), but I would definitely love to get her someday :) But thank you for telling me about that person <3 and thank you so much again for giving me those extra Tomy figures you got <3 :D
That is so awesome that you found those zukan sets in storage! I totally regret not getting your Nidoran female line zukan xD I have the Nidoran female by herself, but it would have been awesome to have the whole family (I wouldn’t have minded having an extra cute baby). I also want to get the Nidoran male zukan. I’d love to get the whole set, but it costs a fortune xD Every so often people here on the community sell individual zukan pieces. That’s how I got my Nidoran. She is so tiny and cute <3 That’s good that you didn’t end up missing them once you sold them :) The zukans I have are: Nidoran female, Squirtle (from the newer starter set), Wartortle, Scraggy, Smoochum, Spinda set (without base), Rattata line (with base), Ditto-Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Growlithe, and now Kangaskhan :) I think that’s all of them. So yeah, I only have two complete sets and one of them is missing the base xD There are some really cool ones out there, but it’s unfortunate they’re almost always really expensive. They really do look great on figure shelves ;)
If you've been into it for that long, surely that means you were around for gen 1. *High five* represent, haha. If I had CONTINUED collecting, I'd also be able to say I've been collecting for 20 years.. xD at several points I had myself convinced that I had "outgrown" Pokemon, or I just fell out of it for long periods of time. I can totally relate to spending entirely too much, and not wanting to go down that avenue in life again. I had actually done that myself not too long ago. Unfortunately, it's easily done @__@ especially depending on where you're at with your collection/in your life in general. Either way, your big plush wall is absolutely lovely. After looking at your pics, I decided I needed those Nidos myself. xD Here's terrible pics of my shelf so far
Some Raichus aren't visible since I literally have plush on top of plush.. I definitely could have set this up better, but for now it works and they look way better this way, as opposed to sitting in a box waiting for a shelf to sit on, haha.
If you have a figure shelf, obviously you collect Tomys too? Tomy/Moncolle figures are the ONE thing I have never been able to shake my obsession for. And of course, they get harder to find and more expensive as the days go by. ;__; I'm not doing too bad in that area, however lol
Granted.. these look far better on a shelf than in a box, but I'm still working on the shelves part. Your figure shelves are killer. Plush are wonderful, but your figures my actually be my favorite part, haha. Do you collect FCS figures or Battle Museum figures as well? When you get Kangaskhan all set up, please show me pics!
Last but not least.. I apologize, totally forgot to include my zip! It's 93635, I'm in the US. :)
You’re right, I was around for gen 1 ;) *High five* :D I think I was older than a lot of the collectors on here though (I was 12 when Pokemon first came to North America) :P Most people on here talk about being in diapers when gen 1 was around and I’m here thinking “ok…I’m an old lady” xD I sort of gave up on Pokemon a couple times too, and unfortunately donated several items from my collection ;-;, but I never completely removed it from my life. I always kept my most favourite items (some plushies, figures, and trading cards) and I still played the games. Yeah, spending a ton on Pokemon sure is easy to do when there are so many awesome items out there ;-; I still spend quite a bit, but nothing compared to what I was spending a little while ago. Thank you so much <3 You really should get those Nidos for yourself :D They are so adorable! <3
Thank you for sharing pics of your collection :D I love your Raichus, of course ;) <3 Is the Psyduck a mirage plush? It looks so cute <3 And ahh those Pokemon Time Espeon and Umbreon <3 I regret not buying them when they came out. Now they’re super expensive x_x Isn’t that new small Kororin/Tsum Raichu so cute? xD I just got mine in the mail a couple of days ago and I love it :) I like the big one, but I’ve been considering selling it x_x I’ve weeded out a lot of my bigger plushies lately because my collection room is so crowded. That’s awesome that you have the Raichu backpack :D That was the first Raichu plushie I ever got :) My mum found it for me at a thrift store. I used to have two, but the second one was donated years ago ;-;
I totally feel you on the “not being able to see certain plush because they’re buried by other plush” thing xD That’s another reason why I’ve been trying to weed stuff lately. I want to actually be able to see my collection. Not have it buried :( But I know it’s hard when you have limited space. You’re so right about it being better to have them displayed than them being in a box. I often see collectors talk about them having a bunch of stuff in storage. I have a few things packed up, but most of my stuff is on display, even though it’s messy :P I think the way you’ve set them up looks great :) Thanks again for sharing photos <3
I do collect Tomys :) I haven’t been buying many these days, but I still love them. It looks like you have some really rare and awesome Tomys in that box :D That’s awesome that you kept them! When Pokemon first came out, I got some of the Hasbro packs of them (the 2 and 3 packs). But after gen 1, I didn’t get many other Tomys until gen 5. Lately I’ve only been buying the Tomys I really like, whereas during gen 5 I tried to buy as many as I could xD It’s just too expensive for me to get them all…as much as I’d love to :P Also, here in Canada, or at least here in my city, we don’t get all of the releases that the US does :( Like we never got those new Kanto starter pose figures. I was sad about that ;-; I also wanted the new pose Zygarde 10%...but that never showed up either :( I know I could just buy them online, but they’re usually pretty expensive. Which Tomys from your collection are your favourites? :D
Thank you so much for the compliments about my collection shelves <3 I have a couple of FCS and Battle Museum figures, but not many. I usually just buy ones I really like, so I don’t really collect them. I think they are awesome, though :) Do you collect them? I will definitely show you pics of Kangaskhan when she is set-up :D <3 Can you show me pics of your stuff when you receive it too? :)
Thanks for giving me your zip code :) Here’s the total for the shipping: $12.72. Sorry it’s kind of a lot >_< Raichu is pretty big. Whenever you’re ready, please send $12.72 in USD to alypalyola (@) gmail (.) com. I’ll send my amount for shipping over once you’ve determined it :) But again, no rush at all ;)
Edit: I finally finished uploading my collection photos :P I changed some of the ones that were there already because I got a few new things in the mail, but not all of them are up to date. Sorry some of the photos are blurry x_x
Haha, SERIOUSLY. Pretty sure I'm one of the old ladies too (going to be 29 on the 29th of next month). For us, Red/Blue and all the North American Hasbro stuff was a way of life. I hate to be a total genwunner or whatever, but I think it's kind of ingrained in us at this point. xD Granted, I think you'll always find that you have a handful of favorites from every generation, but Kanto (and Johto, let's be honest) Pokemon really have a way of clinging to you. I can certainly relate to not being able to stomach totally removing your Pokemon things from your life, even when you thought you were over it (how little we knew at the time).
No problem, sharing a couple of pictures is nothing compared to the massive image library you've had to compile, haha. Unfortunately, what I shared doesn't include figures, but eventually I'll get around to setting those up somewhere. Pysduck is definitely a mirage! That poor squished Elekid behind him is as well, as are two of the Raichus on top. One is obvious, and the other is basically a 'bootleg' of the Hasbro beanie pattern. Mirage plushies are so weird xD and I mean that in the best possible way. I've noticed that they're all stuffed really solid/tend to feel heavier than official plush. The same is true for the Hasbro copy. He's stuffed so full, he's actually a little larger than the Hasbro Raichu that everyone and their mom has. There's also this guy
I've never been the biggest Pichu fan, but this one was too bizarre to pass up. He's huge.. and he sings. I'd love to keep collecting mirages, but they're so insanely expensive @__@ talk about overdoing it with money.
That Raichu backpack really brings up a lot of memories, doesn't it? What a wonderful first-ever Raichu plush! ;A; Your mom really lucked out when she found it in the thrift store, even then! It's practically impossible to find outside of eBay. I'm assuming a lot of that has to do with the fact that it was available back when Pikachu was shamelessly promoted in basically every form of merch you can think of.. there really was no Raichu love back then, lol (though judging by the amount of plush you and I both have, I'm glad Game Freak has wised up.. xD ). The new Tsum Tsum plush is most DEFINITELY one of my favorites. It's so tiny and cute! I managed to get that one in a pick up done by Kitzune. You've got to appreciate the sheer amount of work some of our comm members put into these big store runs. ;__;
I remember the Hasbro 2 and 3 packs so fondly, haha. That honestly makes up about 50% of the Tomy figures I currently own! Finding those on store shelves was always so exciting. The amount of plastic Master ball halves you'd end up with after you accumulated several packs was ridiculous. I can't believe you guys didn't get the new starter poses D: what is that even about?! Fortunately, there is online shopping for those types of situations, but sometimes you really get burnt on paying for shipping. Especially knowing your neighbors right below you have access to those same items. Which were your favs from gen 5? 10% Zygarde is pretty amazing. I almost feel like I'd get attacked by fans for even saying this, but I sometimes I kind of wish that Zygarde could have retained some kind of canine form. 100% looks more like an ultimate evo Digimon, not that there is anything wrong with that! At least its intimidating. xP
Haha you are not an old lady yet :P I consider people in their 30’s and up to be old…so you’re getting close but you’re not quite there yet xD I’m 31 so I’m one of the old ladies :P And that’s exciting that you’re having your special birthday next month :D Mine was 28 on the 28th (of January) :) My family always makes a big deal out of those “special birthdays” xD Red/Blue and Hasbro stuff was totally a way of life, I agree. Haha don’t ever worry about sounding like a genwunner around me. I love gen 1 a lot, so I always enjoy talking about it (especially about how good it is) xD I can’t see myself ever enjoying another Pokemon game the way I did my Blue game. I know people always talk about all the improvements in the new games, and yes, some things are better in the new games, but the original games were very special to me and what started it all…so nothing else is going to beat that nostalgia and those bunch of happy memories ;) Most of my favourite Pokemon are from gen 1, but like you said, I do have favourites from each gen. Which gen is your least favourite? What are some of your least favourite Pokemon? Least favourite set of starters? Sorry so many questions but I’m curious to know xD
Haha it was no problem xD I’m just sorry the pictures were so awful. I have no camera/photography skills x_x I am excited to see your figures once they are set up :D The Psyduck mirage is awesome! That’s so cool that you have two mirage Raichus too! I too wish they weren’t so expensive…some of them are really cute! That’s funny that Pichu sings :P And yeah, Pichu is definitely my least favourite of the chu line. I used to love the Gizamimi/Spiky Eared Pichu…even though the only difference from a regular Pichu is that she has a spiky ear…and I never even saw the Arceus movie she was in xD I don’t care much for her anymore, so I’m selling my whole collection of her except for a couple things. I still really love her sleeping plushie. It’s really adorable.
Ok my comment is too long...so I'll continue it in a sec :P
Who was your starter?! I *totally* get the Charmander and Bulbasaur love, but I always picked Squirtle. The moment you get the Ice Beam TM in Celadon City, Gary is done for. Apparently, I picked the "easy" route. Sounds like something I'd do, haha. That experience led to me picking subsequent water starters, though. Totodile, Mudkip.. No regrets on either. Swampert was a beast. @__@
It's actually kind of great to know I've got one year left before i'm officially old, haha. Having said that, though.. I really don't consider 31 to be old at all. e__e lol I get where you're coming from, though. At least as far as collectors go. Feels like everyone we talk to is in their early to mid 20's at the most. MUST BE NICE. I so get not being able to enjoy another game like you did Blue, though. Same for me, haha. I'll never get the OMG feeling that comes with visiting the Safari Zone for the first Time. Running into Kangaskhan, Chansey, Pinsir, Scyther or Dratini was such a big deal. Them running away was enough to make you scream bloody murder, too. ;__;
Least favorite gen.. that would have to be 5. I KNOW, I know. lots of people like 5, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's just that I'm not particularly taken with ANY of the starters, or designs for that matter. Gen 5 was just NOT my favorite, much like gen 7 was to a lot of other people. Having said that, I DO have a thing for Krokodile and Reuniclus, however (Reuiniclus is so cute. >__< Reminds me of a much cuter version of the Zygarde cell). Actually, come to think of it, I'm right there with you - Scraggy and Joltik are pretty great. Not NEARLY enough spider love. <3 Besides that, Galvantula on its own is awesome. Which gen (beyond 1) is your fav? Which Pokemon from gen 5 do you like the most? I may be in the minority here, but as far as gen 3 goes.. I don't dislike Nosepass xD
I'd never would have thought the US had more of a selection than anywhere else! Granted, my experience in shopping for Pokemon merch in person has been pretty limited.. but I've always assumed we simply didn't get certain figures here in the US. Turns out, we DID get certain US releases of hard to find figures.. Gastly and Persian being among them. I can't decipher between the JP and US versions of the Persian Tomy, but apparently the US Gastly figure had a brighter colored "gas cloud." DId your mom ever end up telling you YEAH SURE, let's go shopping in the US? I bet the exchange rate was absolutely killer. BTW, I didn't take it as you complaining at all. I'd also probably pitch a fit if I had to pay such a crazy amount JUST for common Tomy figures.
Yeah, Blue was my first Pokemon game :D I chose Charmander ;) I thought most people hated Bulbasaur? :P It seems to be pretty popular on the comm, but back when I played the games no one liked or chose Bulbasaur xD Squirtle is super cute :D I got the special edition Pokemon New 3DS (the one with the Blastoise and Charizard cover plates) and it came with Blue and Red on the virtual console :D I decided to play Red first since I had originally played Blue, and I ended up choosing Squirtle :) On my Blue version I’ll pick Bulbasaur. Then I’ll have tried all three starters :D I think Squirtle is the medium route, Charmander is the hard, and Bulbasaur is the easy. At the beginning of the game anyway because the first two gyms are weak against grass Pokemon, one is weak against water…and my poor baby Charmander needed to level up super high to beat those gyms because it was weak against both >_< haha. I picked Totodile and Mudkip too :) Then in gen 4 I went back to fire again. Swampert was a beast :P
Haha yes! Enjoy being young while you still can :P ;) I guess 31 isn’t too old…but you’re totally right about feeling like everyone we talk to on here is in their early to mid 20’s at most :P They make me feel old -_- :P Ahh you are so right about visiting the Safari Zone for the first time! It took me forever to get some of those Pokemon haha. At least a couple of them could be bought at the Game Corner prize place ;) Ahh remember how long it took to get enough coins for Porygon? O_O
I like gen 5 xD But I can understand why some people wouldn’t. I didn’t like the starters at first, but they grew on me eventually. I don’t understand all the love for N. I find him pretty boring…but I won’t say that to anyone here or I might get attacked xD There were definitely a lot of ugly Pokemon from that gen. I really don’t like the ice cream Pokemon xD Well, the baby Vanillite is sort of cute, but its evolutions not so much :P Oh really? I didn’t know that a lot of people disliked gen 7 :o I thought everyone loved it (except me haha). Those are both cute Pokemon, for sure :D I love the whole Krookodile line :) I like Galvantula too, which is weird because I think real life spiders are really ugly…especially tarantulas :P I have the MPC plush and it’s really cute <3 Other than gen 1, I think my favourite would be gen 2. I loved being able to explore Johto, then being able to go back to Kanto :D I also have some favourites from that gen ^_^ The Pokemon I like most from gen 5 are: Joltik, Scraggy, Scrafty, Venipede, Sandile and I’m usually not crazy about many legendaries, but I think Black and White Kyurem are neat (in a strange way) :P Haha I’ve never liked Nosepass xD But surprisingly, I’ve heard other people say they like it. So you’re not alone xD Do you like Probopass too?
Haha yeah, Canada is kind of awful for Pokemon merch -_- One good thing is that we get pretty much all the TCG sets. I’ve heard that some countries hardly get any of those. Ahh I’ve always wanted a Persian Tomy to go with my Meowth :) My poor Meowth was played with so much that its whiskers broke off ;-; But I ended up getting another one a while later that still has its whisker intact ;) I LOVE the new Alolan Meowth Tomy figure. It’s SO CUTE :P That’s random about the US Gastly figure being different from the JPN one :P I wonder if that happened with other figures? Haha yes! My mom did go shopping with me in the US a couple of times :D We went to Watertown and Syracuse. We were so excited to go to stores that we didn’t have here in Canada like Hot Topic and Target xD We now have Hot Topic and we had Target…for less than two years before all the stores closed because the company wasn’t making any money from Canadians ;-; Oh my god yes! That exchange rate is always a killer D: Actually I remember one year when we went for like the first time ever the Canadian dollar was better than the USD. We were so happy xD The CAD is way down again now, of course. I just bought this massive girl Pikachu plush for $140 USD…which exchanged to $250 CAD O_O The torture ;-; That’s one of the reasons why I’ve cut back so much on buying Pokemon stuff. It’s too expensive with the awful exchange rate ugh >_< Most of my Tomy figures are stored, unfortunately, but I can probably write a list out from memory xD Ok so from the first 151 I have: Bulbasaur (I think my Sugimori one is legit, but not sure about my regular one), Iysaur (now have a for sure legit one from you <3), Venusaur (not sure if legit), Charmander, Charmeleon (regular and Sugimori), Charizard, Squirtle (regular and Sugimori), Wartortle, Blastoise, Metapod, Butterfree, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Fearow, Spearow, Ekans, Arbok, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidoran female, Nidorina, Nidoran male, Nidorino, Nidoking, Clefairy, Clefable (I think haha), Ninetails (I think it’s legit not sure), Venonat, Diglet, Dugtrio, Meowth, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey (I think it’s legit but not sure), Growlithe, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Alakazam, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Vitrebell, Geodude, Golem, Ponyta (I think it’s legit), Slowpoke, Slowbro (not sure if it’s legit), Doduo (I think haha), Seel, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno (I think it’s legit), Krabby, Kingler, Cubone, Marowak, Exeggutor, Koffing, Staryu, Starmie, Jynx (not sure if legit), Tauros (not sure if legit), Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras, Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Omastar, Aerodactyl (I can’t remember for sure if I have this one…but I think I do), Snorlax, Articuno (I can’t remember for sure if I have this one), Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Mew. Ok I think that’s all of them. Sorry for the block of text xD I know I’ll never get the whole collection (can’t afford it), but here are some I hope to get someday: Sugimori Ivysaur, Sugimori Charmander, Sugimori Wartortle, Caterpie, Weedle, Nidoqueen, Arcanine, Abra, Kangaskhan (my baby ;-;), Magmar, Vaporeon (to complete my Eevee set), Omanyte, Kabuto...ok so I do want a lot xD But I’m not actively looking for them right now. If I come across them for a good price I might buy them, though :D Oh and everything I listed is from the original set, not any of those new Matte ones. I have some of those too though :D Which ones are you missing? It would probably be a shorter list for you to type out than what you have xD Thank you so much for offering to help me complete my set :) Who knows…maybe someday ^_^ I really hope you can complete your set :D If there are certain ones you want more than others just let me know and I’ll keep my eye out for them :)
Garurumon is cool :D That’s too bad that he doesn’t have much merch and that the merch he does have is expensive :( I always liked the cute ones xD I think I’d have to go with Gatomon and Patamon as my favourites. Ughh I totally agree about the droid/human hybrid thing! I was so disappointed when Gatomon first digivolved into Angewomon. I was like “whatttt she’s supposed to be some big cat beast” :P Same with Patamon and Angemon :P
I actually have a ton of Spiky eared Pichu stuff available xD I have plushies for sure (they’re in my sales post). I think I may have sold all the figures I had. I have some keychain figures that I haven’t added to my sales yet, though, but I can just add them to your next package if you’d like :D Have you seen many of the Pokemon movies? I saw the first movie in the theatre and was so sad when Ash was supposedly dead (even though I knew he wasn’t…but all those crying Pokemon D:) xD I think I also saw the 2000 movie in theatres too, but that’s it. The rest of the ones I saw were on DVD. Haha I totally don’t judge you for liking Jessie and James/Team Rocket! :P I always thought they were hilarious when I watched the show (the Kanto episodes) xD And totally about us all having a friend we were totally co-dependent on :P This is so random, but do you remember Team Rocket in the Jigglypuff episode when they were singing? That was so hilarious xD
Don’t worry at all! I take even longer to respond xD We are both busy, so no rush :) I am so happy about the Tomy figures! Thank you so so much for giving them to me <3 I actually got the package yesterday :D But I unfortunately could only pick it up today because there was a customs charge I needed to pay at the post office ;-; I totally forgot to ask you if you could mark down the value of the package because Canada is one of those countries that charges custom fees on mail (anything over $20 in value) -_-‘ I LOVE the Kangaskhan picture you drew for me!! It’s super cute! <3 Do you mind if I put it up on the wall in my Pokemon room? :D I’ve already put Raichu on my work desk :D I haven’t set-up Kanga and her baby yet, but as soon as I do I’ll post pics for you to see <3 I’m going to leave you feedback now before I forget :P Thanks so much again <3 I hope your package arrives soon!
Yes! Lots of memories brought up by the Raichu backpack :) I think the backpack plushies were more common in Canada because, if I’m not mistaken, the company that made them is Canadian. I used to see them in thrift stores all the time back in the early Pokemon days. My mum had gotten a bunch of different ones for me…but they’re all gone now ;-; except for Raichu, a Charmander, and a big fat Pikachu :P I am SO happy Game Freak has finally decided to give Raichu love! :D It’s so true that there wasn’t any Raichu love back in the old days ;-; Oh yes! I remember seeing that Kitzune was offering pick-ups of the Tsum Raichu. I got mine on Y!J because I can usually find a few of them in one lot for a good price. I totally agree about appreciating the work that some comm members put into store runs/pick ups. It must be so much hard work x_x The time it would take to do all that packing…and the space all those items would take up in your house/apartment. Crazy!
It was always so exciting to see those Hasbro pack on the store shelves :D I really wish I had bought more…but that was back when I had to survive on allowance money…so I couldn’t buy too many :P I wish I had kept at least one of those Master balls xD I know! It’s so annoying that the stores here hardly ever get the new Tomy figures ;-; Maybe I should just buy them online, even though the shipping cost is stupid. I love the Kanto starters so much ;-; I noticed that they don’t have them on the official Tomy site, which is strange. You guys in the US have always gotten better stuff than Canada xD I remember when I was younger I’d always beg my mum to take us shopping in the US because there would be a ton of Pokemon things I’d never seen in my life haha. We’re not super far from the border (a couple of hours), but the exchange rate is usually deadly…so it gets expensive x_x Even now when I buy something from the community, it ends up costing me WAY more than what the listed price is because of the conversion of currency -_- Oh well haha. I’ll stop complaining now, sorry xD My faves from gen 5 are: Scraggy, Scrafty, and Joltik. What are yours? I wish Zygarde retained a canine form too. We can get attacked by fans together xD 100% is definitely my least favourite Zygarde form. Now that you mention it, it does look like an ultimate evo Digimon xD Did you watch that show too? I watched the first season and a little bit of the second season (and I think like 3 episodes of the 3rd season), but that’s it. Digimon merch is another thing I regret giving away ;-; I kept some of my toys and one of my plushies, but that’s it -_- I recently bought some of the Tsum Digimon plushies. They’re so cute!! They are just like the Pokemon ones. I also bought this really cute Gatomon plush. She’s wearing Kari’s clothes :P I don’t want to buy too much Digimon stuff, though, because I need my money for Pokemon xD...and food and bills too I guess haha.
I will absolutely show you pics! I'm already trying to work out where that big fat Raichu is going to go, lol. Clearly need to get more shelves.. that REMINDS ME. Did you set up your entire collection by yourself?! How did that not drive you crazy and HOW did you find the shelf space? I'm impressed by your collection for so many reasons, haha. If you've updated pics, can you link me to where you have them posted? :D
I'm not at all concerned about the shipping costs! I'm just excited to trade. I knew shipping several plush would not be the most inexpensive thing ever. :D My postal scale is years old, and I think its dying on me. I've got your zukan and all your other items boxed up, so I'll go ahead and take that down to the post office tomorrow and get your quote. Would it be alright for me to ship your things out on the 31st? I know that's kind of a wait. D: Also sorry to type up this big huge novel for you to read every time!
I'm really sorry. I had to break up this massively huge comment, lol
Haha yeah, that big Raichu does take up a bit of space xD I did set up my entire collection by myself. It did drive me a little crazy and it took several hours xD I pretty much had to squish stuff onto the shelves to fit them on. That's why everything looks so crowded ;-; haha. I unfortunately could only display some of my Tomy figures because I ran out of space for them. I'm hoping to someday get some wall shelves to put the Tomys (and some other figures that aren't currently on display) on. Thank you so much :) <3 Your collection is really awesome too! :D Here's the link :) It's on the same page as the one I showed you before, but I added and changed some photos ^_^ http://deranged-girl.livejournal.com/35006.html
I'm excited to trade too :D I just have to seal up your box, then it's good to go :) Yeah, you can definitely ship my stuff out on the 31st! No problem at all :) I'm totally ok with waiting. It will be an awesome surprise when they arrive :D Haha no problem about the novel! I always write novels too ;)
It's ok xD I'm going to write back to your other message asap. I had a long day at work so I'm going to bed in a few minutes :P
The newest poseable Eeveelus don't grab me the same way, haha. Although I'm sure that will be different when the Umbreon/Espeon/Sylveon 3 pack is released.
I think we're going to be doomed to squishing stuff onto already jam-packed shelves for as long as we're still collecting, haha. xD I can't ever see really feeling like you have ENOUGH space. It took me at least an hour to set up those two shelves I showed you, and even then I'm STILL not happy with them. I can't imagine the moment you had when you took a step back and decided your massive plush wall finally looked the way you wanted it to, haha. That last pic towards the bottom of your collection - are those ALL pins?? What a serious variety you've got going on. ;; I've been meaning to collect more charms/things of that nature, but I've been so focused on plush and figures.
As far as feeling like you have to respond with something as equally massive as my comment before yours goes, don't think twice about it! I know when I get home from work, I'm done and that's it. I certainly can't be bothered to type out something lengthy most days, lol. That you got this far is saying a lot. xD
About to PM you my address! Happy to say your package is sealed up and ready to go. C:
I have to agree about the newest poseable Eeveelus. They are a bit strange looking. Hopefully the Umbreon/Espeon/Sylveon ones look better. I’m looking forward to some of the Sun/Moon figures. Even though Gen 7 is definitely not my favourite, I still like some of the Pokemon from it. I love the Alolan Meowth I got :D And I really want to get the Alolan Marowak when it’s released. Have you seen the Z move Alolan Raichu that was recently released? It’s really cool looking! :D
I think so too xD I’m never happy with the way my shelves are set up either. I wish I could somehow display them in a way that the Pokemon don’t look so crowded and messy, but again, it’s the lack of space that makes this impossible :( That last pic in my collection is a board of pins, keychains, and charms :) I used to buy a lot of those things, but I don’t so much anymore. I’m trying to just buy my absolute favourites because I don’t have much more room on that board xD I like to focus on plush and figures too. Those have always been my favourite things to collect :)
Haha yeah, I’m really lazy with replying to people, unfortunately ;-; But I’m having a lot of fun talking to you :) It’s awesome to talk to someone with so many similar interests :D
That’s awesome! Thank you so much :) I am hoping to seal yours up sometime later today.
I had the Ewok Village from Star Wars set-up in my room and all of my Tomy Pokemon figures were displayed on top of it xD I was a weirdo haha.
That's actually really awesome, haha. This totally brings up childhood memories. You always had that one specialty/game/comic shop nearby that sold Pokemon stuff that DIDN'T have "Hasbro" slapped all over it. Even at like 9 or 10 years old, you still questioned the validity of the items but OMG POKEMON so you bought them anyway. Plus, like you said, when you reeeaaally wanted figures of certain Pokemon.. I used to have a handful of mini figures and rubbery figures that I got from that exact same type of hole-in-the-wall shop. I knew the rubbery figures were bogus, but at the time I still wanted them and couldn't be bothered to care. I mainly bought the pack with allowance money because Raichu was in it. xD he was a sickly bright yellow and his cheeks were pink. Come to think of it, that included a Wigglytuff, which I'm almost certain is the exact same Wigglytuff you have available in your freebies lol. Pretty sure those were among some of the things I let go :C I kind of hate myself for doing it, I really get the feeling that the mini figures at least were legitimate. OH WELL xD that's why we're still collecting today, haha.
As far as Tomy figures go, you're right. eBay is sketchy at best, and you need to know exactly what you're looking for to keep from buying bootlegged figures. Some of them are getting unbelievably good.. the more I look at my Gastly, the more I think its a crazy convincing bootleg. I also had Kangaskhan and Pinsir figures that were near indistinguishable from the real deal, but further inspection clearly points to them being fakes. Kangaskhan had tackier paint than the original, and there was a big gap between the pouch that's glued onto its front when compared to the official thing. Paint underneath the tail was also kind of garbage compared to how nicely painted the rest of the figure was. Once again, how would someone new to collecting Tomy figures even known this stuff?! Only reason why I knew, or remotely suspected was because the seller in question also sold lots of other bootleg items. That and the Ditto I bought in the same lot was DEFINITELY bogus. The community is the best place to get worry-free figures. I also happen to know someone on FB that has a lot of gen 1 figures left if you're serious about getting Nidoqueen. :] I also juuuust scored a lot of figures, old pose Jolteon being part of that lot. The figures are described as scuffed, but if you like, I can set Jolteon aside for you!
I can TOTALLY relate to not knowing what all you actually have. I had quite a bit more several years back.. Certain things I think back on and I really regret letting it go, haha. When I found all my zukan sets in storage (I honestly forgot I had certain ones, like the Banette and Leafeon line), I thought for a moment that maybe I might miss them if I were to sell them off, xD Nope! Glad to see them go. Zukans are super cool, but there are only certain ones I want at the moment. Have you got any besides Kangaskhan? Not going to lie, they look great on figure shelves.
The only Eeveelu that looks right in that 3 pack is Flareon! Something about Vaporeon's head is off, and Jolteon looks.. so.. xD could be they'll grow on us later, haha. Ever had that happen? A certain piece of merch comes out that you're just not feeling at all, and then after some time goes by, you've suddenly decided its great and you need it. That Alolan Meowth looks like SUCH a smarmy jerk, I love him haha. Pancake Raichu is amazing, the new Z move especially so! D8 I SWEAR that thing is what its fans have been waiting for since we were kids, and I should be ashamed I don't have MORE of Alolan Raichu at this point!
I hear you, haha. There are several charm sets I really, really would like to have, but plush and figures definitely take priority. Especially given that those two things, depending on what they are, can be a lot harder to find than charms (UNLESS you're talking about Pokebox charms).
Haha ok thanks! I’m glad you don’t think I’m a total weirdo xD Yeah, some of the bootlegs I got were actually pretty ok looking whereas some of the others…not so much :/ haha. That’s so funny that the Wigglytuff included in that rubbery figure pack was the same one I have in my freebies xD I actually don’t remember where I got that… but it probably was at my local comic book shop :P I still have some mini figures that I bought too but I have my doubts about their legitimacy. Again, some of them look pretty ok, but I doubt that comic book shop would have many legit figures, if any :(
Yeah, eBay is definitely not my favourite place to shop for Pokemon stuff. I recently found a Korean seller on there, though, and they were willing to pick up the new sleeping Kanto starter plushies (they’re super cute!) for me, so that’s exciting :D They even agreed to list them later this week because I wasn’t getting paid until then! I’ve bought a couple of other plushies from them before and they all had the official sticker on them that Korean plushies do, so I’m pretty sure everything they sell is legit :) So yeah, there are some pretty cool sellers on there ;) But there are also way too many overpriced and fake items -_- I hope your Gastly is legit ;-; Aww that’s unfortunate to hear that the Kangaskhan Tomy has a really convincing bootleg! It’s one of the Tomy figures I want the most :’( Ahh yeah, when I see that a seller is posting bootleg items I usually stay away. The community is definitely great for getting worry-free figures, but I’ve gotten fakes on here a couple of times :( I think each time it was plush, not figures, though. Some people aren’t really experts and don’t realize they are selling fakes, and I can’t realize I’m buying a fake until I see it up-close and in person :/ I find that Y!J Auctions is usually pretty good for having legit stuff, but of course there are bootleg sellers on there as well. I think I know the person you are talking about being on Facebook. They posted about having a full collection of Tomy figures that they’d sell as a lot or individually, right? I unfortunately can’t afford to buy Nidoqueen right now (spent way too much on that stupid Pikachu plush x_x), but I would definitely love to get her someday :) But thank you for telling me about that person <3 and thank you so much again for giving me those extra Tomy figures you got <3 :D
That is so awesome that you found those zukan sets in storage! I totally regret not getting your Nidoran female line zukan xD I have the Nidoran female by herself, but it would have been awesome to have the whole family (I wouldn’t have minded having an extra cute baby). I also want to get the Nidoran male zukan. I’d love to get the whole set, but it costs a fortune xD Every so often people here on the community sell individual zukan pieces. That’s how I got my Nidoran. She is so tiny and cute <3 That’s good that you didn’t end up missing them once you sold them :) The zukans I have are: Nidoran female, Squirtle (from the newer starter set), Wartortle, Scraggy, Smoochum, Spinda set (without base), Rattata line (with base), Ditto-Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Growlithe, and now Kangaskhan :) I think that’s all of them. So yeah, I only have two complete sets and one of them is missing the base xD There are some really cool ones out there, but it’s unfortunate they’re almost always really expensive. They really do look great on figure shelves ;)
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