Our lives have changed drastically over the past couple of days. Our constant and most loyal companion is gone. Savvy, the most wonderful dog who ever lived, has crossed the rainbow bridge. David is crushed. I'm a wreck. Savvy was a very special member of our family. She was brilliant beyond dog. She was David's hunting partner and Taco Belle's constant companion. She was our sweet-faced angel. There is a huge hole in our family tonight.
http://users.3riversdbs.net/eemoore/photos/huntresses.jpg Savvy was something special. She instinctively knew that David doesn't like barking dogs. We heard her bark a total of twice in the nearly 11 years she was with us. She was soft and gentle with the grandbabies, and was never cross with any of them. When she'd had enough of them crawling all over her, pulling her ears, tormenting her as kids do, she would just get up and walk away.
Savvy loved the snow. When we moved here to Montana, and she discovered this wonderful white stuff, she was just totally enamored. She would put her nose down in it and snuffle it around like she did when she was in the water, which, ultimately, was her favorite place to be. I have some beautiful pictures of her in the snow, like the one at
http://users.3riversdbs.net/eemoore/photos/snowdog.jpg. When she was in the water, she made whimpery little happy noises and there was no doubt that she was just as happy as she could ever be.
Dr. Gilligan, a really wonderful, sympathetic man, diagnosed Savvy with cancer of the spleen on Sunday. He told us that he could do surgery, but that he was not overly optimistic about the results. He told us that she already had considerable heart, liver, & kidney damage (oh why can't they tell us when they're in pain?) and that even if the surgery was successful, she would probably only have six months to a year. We had to make one of the most difficult decisions we have ever made. We were there with her, and held her as he let her go to sleep for the last time.
We will receive her ashes and spread them here on the property. We still can't believe she's gone. She's been part of our lives for so long. Hug your pet - your best friend. Tell them that they are a very special part of your life. They depend on you for so much, including, and especially your love.