
Jun 09, 2005 18:13

Went to the beach yesterday with my cousins. I met me some Tenesee boys haha they were nasty tho. lol Then riya came over and we went out to the baseballl fields for like 2 hours. We just hung out with some people. Then we when got home I read her all of my notes from middle school. It made me think of alot and how things have changed so much :-/.She left at like 10. Today I just ran errands with my mom and sister. Got report cards, i was very happy. I got all a's 2 b's and 1 c. I cant wait to get out of here and Go to California :) Only 2 more weeks.

Boys, Hmm possibly considering one

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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