Your result for The Best Thing About You Test...
Intelligence is your strongest virtue
Intelligence (also called intellect) is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason
, plan, and solve problems. And you? Your brain shines. All 7 virtues are a part of you, but your intelligence runs deepest.
It is likely you're a smarty-pants. And it's likely (but not necessary) that your discipline score is high also. It takes a certain resolve to maintain all those neural thingies.
Intelligent famous people: Einstein, Shakespeare, Da Vinci.
Your raw relative scores follow. 0% is low, and 100% is perfect, nearly impossible. Note that I pitted the virtues against each other, so in some way these are relative scores. It's impossible to score high on all of them, and a low score on one is just relatively low compared to the other virtues.
30% Compassion
89% Intelligence
50% Humility
44% Honesty
13% Discipline
29% Courage
33% Passion
Take The Best Thing About You Test at
HelloQuizzy Your Goth Name is:
Rain Melancholia
What's Your Goth Name? Your result for The Attachment Style Test...
The Waffler
38% Anxiety Over Abandonment and 46% Avoidance Of Intimacy
You're not the most decisive person. You tend to be unsure what you want out of your attachments, and it's unlikely you've had more than mediocre relationships. You vacillate between trust and mistrust, and between low and high self-esteem. You probably have a couple of good friends who support you and believe in you, but you tend not to let things get too heavy. You like to sit on fences.
Fictional character with whom you might identify: Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Amelie (Amelie)
Other Attachment Types:
The Unicorn |
The Cuddleslut |
The Free Agent Preoccupied:
The Cling Wrap |
The Squid |
The Insect Fearful:
The Doormat |
The Leper |
The Exile Dismissing:
The Hermit |
The Stone |
The Player Confused:
The Waffler Take The Attachment Style Test at