some veneers mayhaps?

Mar 24, 2004 14:31

I just read on CNN that microsoft was fined 613 MILLION bucks by the European Union for its failure to abide by near monopoly rules. Further the articel informed that the Dollar aint shit versus the Euro, I always knew this, but this made it Crystal Clear to me how bad the dollar is. That 617 million bucks is ONLY 497 thousand euro....ok im lying its 497 million, but still, huge diff. Thats like Bill Gates' tax liability versus Dan Snyder's.

Sidebar: I never did learn this properly in school, whats the rule for the apostrophe when a bammas name ends in 's'? I guess i can go to the grammar bammas, yes there is a community, community and find out.

Ok now back to this 617MM Bucks. Where does this money go? When big government agencies fine big corporations where the hell does all this money go, once its finally paid? I have a few proposals for my european brethren that Id like to share.

1) A national dental plan! I dont think that this can be overstated. The steretypical Brit has jacked up teeth, and frankly I dont know any Brits who dont fit the mold. Never mind that I only know three brits and 2 of them from the TV/Movie industry. But I am pretty sure this is not a problem exclusive to Great Britian. So create a Euro Users dental plan
2) You could also create a Euro Soap plan, cause lets face it, funky french is almost as common as stanky ass carribbeans, no? And again this problem cannot be exclusive to the francophiles can it? Surely, if the number 42 bus in Washington DC is any indication, there is a need for this in Spain.
3) Heres an idea. Make them pay this fine or a portion of it to medical reasearch, helping the homeless problem (is this just an american problem?) or any of the other multitudes of social ills that are rampant in the WORLD.
4) Have a big ass party! I mean really what do people do more of when they get an unexpected amount of money? They party they monkey asses off!!!! GO head europe you deserve it. And with everyone with nice teeth and no BO it should be hella fun
5) Ok for real its 617 MILLION DOLLARS. Surely this is enough money to put in a bank somewhere and have EVERYONE in the world live comfortably off the interest? Even better they could BUY a huge share of microsoft stock, now valued at something like 1.7 Billion and live off of the sweat of bill gates n his cronies! Well everyone excluding China and India. Aight so EVERYONE is a stretch but come on, its 617 MILLION BUCKS. I think this is enough to not only eradicate hunger and homelessness but also enough to create a nice lil scholarship fund for all the kids who WANT to learn.
6) Buy Every lottery ticket EVER!
7) Buy France Some BALLS!!! (This option brought to you by the French Aint Gonna Go Out Towar(FAGGOT)association)
8) Let me move to europe and become president of the EU so I can embezzle like 1% of that and play golf for the rest of my life!
9) Ok all jokes aside, cant this money be spent to do SOMETHING for the good of the common man? And umm for real shouldnt the US treasury or whoever is in charge of this kinda fining in our country take note and bring down the same kind of fine against Microsoft? I mean we do have a social security program thats bout to be empty in 2012 right? This would, in the words of the 5 heartbeats, FILLLLL IT UPPPPPPPP
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