Mar 04, 2004 13:39
So this has been my entire day:
Get to work
Approve a document
give my supervisor a detailed recap for him to REDO work I have already done
develope a broadmarket idea that could be a hot money maker for the company, but not share it with anyone cause 1) i dont like these fuggas enough to give them a hot idea 2) what if no one else thinks its hot 3) I know its hot and Id rather take it to ford.
Now I am sitting here quite literally twiddling my thumbs listening to the soothing sounds of bill withers. I bet I could start writing a novel and be done by the end of next quarter and have me a jk rowling-esque meteoric or medioric, and in the US why not both?, rise to the top of the literary heap.
Perhaps a book version of office space? Perhaps a novel that tracks the fantastic world of an everyday man and his true desires. Wait, thats Walter Mitty. Shiezer I cant even come up with a good novel idea
Oh wait, perhaps the story of a dude with a LOHL (love of his life) who is as insane as he is and flies off the handle when she sees that he is communicating with another broad. Oh but wait, i cant be E Lyn Jerome baisden so thats out.
so yeah at 1:44 pm eastern standard time i understand the true meaning of being bored outta your damn skull. and i HATE not having anything to do, cause you can only pretend for so long before people start thinking, That fugga is a slacker or that fugga is a moron or damn does he do ANY work. Yeah well the last one is right. I do work but it aint no real earth shattering shit. Maybe I will present my broad market idea and they will give me my own team to make it happen. PAging James Evans Paging James evans.