My plan for this trip is to spam Calpis water and Pudding. Just had my 2nd serving of pudding and bought 3 bottles and drank a cup of Calpis (in different flavours) so far. Heh heh! My intentions are well met.
Many ups and downs during this trip. Affected so easily. But it's okay. All is well.
Got to speak a lot of Japanese this time round too! And my level of understanding greatly increased as compared to my last trip in Fukuoka. Glad to hear from many "jouzu desu ne". So friendly, but of course not all are.
Last 2 days here. Really hate the feeling of going back to work, going back to stress, going back to the same o days, going back to reality.
I really like exploring, especially after this trip, knowing how big this world is, but I still have that fear of getting lost. Dou kana? Help me? :)
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