Pantheacon 2010: Lon Milo Duquette's Best Presentation Ever

Feb 13, 2010 12:20

Woo! Here are my notes.

tech issues, which were pretty funny - the mic randomly cut out and he'd have to tap it to make it work again.
Since Pcon 2008, he's lost 110 lbs! Daaaaaang! Big round of applause.
“No matter what else I may say or do today, that's Lon Milo Duquette's greatest presentation ever.”
“While I'm going for applause, I've been married for 42 years. That's magic!”
His first year, they tucked him away in a little room far from everyone, presumably because his association with A Crowley made the orgs think that he would be horrible to women and recite bad poetry. He fooled them all!
Instead he talked about Chicken Qabalah. :D
Little overview of his books.
Wow, he's written a lot of books!
Talking about chicken qabalah - was a hard sell, this kind of weird over the top book about that subject. He was a little scared, afraid people would be disappointed, etc. but things went well, yay!
Handed out his own presenter evaluation survey, on pantheacon letterhead. This thing is HILARIOUS! He put it up on the projector.

How do you rate the overall value of this presentation?
Excellent. I really learned a lot.
Superior. The most informative presentation of the entire event.
Outstanding. My brain nearly exploded.
Superb. Where did you get this guy?

What did you like most about the presenter?
His vast knowledge of the subject and his ability to communicate it to others.
His sense of humor. I laughed 'till I peed.
His hair. He has such beautiful silver hair. I just want to run barefoot through it.
His girth. I never thought I could be so sexually attracted to a morbidly obese man.

What did you like least about the presentation?
It was too short. The time just flew by
the presenter didn't talk enough about hiself.
I didn't have the opportunity to give the presenter my room number.
Only four attendees could sit close enough to the presenter to clearly see his gorgeous blue eyes.

Would you recommend this presentation/presenter to others?
Yes, most definitely!
Are you kidding? I want to take him home to meet my parents.

Was the presentation relevant to Pantheacon?
Who cares?
I'm happy to say, no.
I'm not sure. Was it supposed to be relevant?


He uses Pcon to test out material before writing new books.
The Book of Ordinary Oracles actually originated here, which is kind of awesome. He wrote part of it as a result of one of Thalassa's divination panels.
Ask Baba-Lon will be out in 2012, woo!
Low Magick is coming out this November. Will be his first Llwellyn book.
Pcon has been really good to him, he says - makes him look at himself and see what and who and where he is in the larger scheme of things. And every year he reinvents himself.
Reinventing yourself is good for you. Being unchanging is bad! “that's one of the things I have against Jehovah.” He is all mighty and unchanging! “FUCK YOU!” *massive applause and laughter*
“The only thing I can change with magic is myself.” As much concern as he has for others and the planet, “the best possible thing I can do for all of you, is to get my shit together.”
“I wish I could tell you that I'm succeeding in getting my shit together, but to tell the truth I never know from moment to moment.”
He performed in the Pcon talent show a couple years ago, which was the first time he'd performed in ages.
He was a juvenile delinquent back in the day. Showed us a pic from 1966 of himself and his brother in front of the bus his band, The Panics, had. He was with Epic Records in the early 70s - band called Charley D and Milo.
Covered that story in My Life With The Spirits.
Basically started going hollywood and getting increasingly unhealthy. Decided he wanted a stable family life and within a couple months... [slide of A Crowely] “I met a dead guy.”
Didn't do any music for a long time. Then, reinvented himself again - and now music is part of his magical practice. Talked about the experience of playing a guitar for the first time in 25 years. Was like watching someone else's hands play, or like finding a box of secret skills hidden away in his brain. Pretty cool.
He has a new CD! WOO!
It's called The Black Album; not to be confused with The White Album. XD
Hilarious slideshow shilling the album, which I cannot do justice to in my notes.
And now he sings! Yay!
Read a hilarious email from a Christian upset by his Christmas video (“If We Believe”). Makes no sense, really.
“If We Believe” - blasphemous and awesome. I gotta find it on YouTube.
“I Love To Get Drunk In The Car” WOOOO
“It Ain't Necessarily So” Most excellent.
[one I don't remember the name of. Bamboozled? Best bit: “If your religion wants to conquer the world, if your god needs more converts... that's not religion, that's politics, and you've been had.”]
[another I can't remember the title of - a song about a goetic invocation by a fellow who wants to be God for an hour.]
[one I don't recognize at all, about his grandmother. Beautiful and sad!]
“Sweet Babylon”
[one I don't recognize, about missing a lover.]

lon milo duquette is awesome, pcon

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