Last festival of the summer

Aug 11, 2006 20:25

I am in pain. My muscles feels bruised from hauling wires and spinning heads for eleven hours yesterday. In addition to this, I'm pissed of because I was of the few volunteers who actually did some work yesterday instead of standing around giggeling and chatting.

Then the arrangers, after first telling me it would be unneccesairy for me to come in all the days I had voulenteered to work (wedensday, thursday, saturday and sunday) decided to phone me on the one day I couldn't work to ask me to come in. Nu-uh, not happening.

I'm just so pissed off right now, mostly because I'm in pain and the arrangers are incompitent. Bleh, I really wanted this festival to work out so my tiny, boring hometown would have something fun, and they are ruining it.



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