Jul 12, 2006 00:23
Smoke contains benzen, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and cyanoacid. My Epi-pen contains salt, ephineprine and HCl.
The School is best as a playback on a playstation game, not live.
Wolfmother sounds like the zombies of 70s musicians.
Placebo = wtfbbq<3<3<3$#$¤§
Tool - "Thank you for your patience & your time, and thank you for sharing this evening with us."
Good things:
Chainsmoking Lucky Strikes and watching Placebo do the same, as Brian gives all he is and makes a white shirt see through with his sweat, Steve beats the drums until his hair is rastas of water and dirt and Stefan strodding around on the stage like he is untouchable, and where the guest artists are having just as good a time as the band is. Where Brian "just have to share his Fuck Bush statement" and you just can't help yourself from thinking kinky.
Where he smiles and thanks someone standing closer to the stage than you for telling him something you were too far away to hear.
Where the concert is over so fast that you have to check your watch to believe it actually lasted an hour. Where you got everything you wanted, was dissappointed and still don't know why.
To eat an organic hamburger with alioli while listening to the Racounteurs, and laugh as Jack White claims that we will like Brendan Benson better than himself, as Brendan is blonde. To laugh harder as Jack introduces the bass player with the words "on my right, sporting black hair and glasses" as the drummer on his left is fitting that description as well.
To be positively surprised as the band responds to the applause at the end by applauding like deaf people, proving that they did learn something while making the video for 'Hands' in the capital, and before that winning everybody's hearts when they claim that the further south they went, the prettier the girls were.
Not good things:
It's 17:32 thursday the 6th og July and I just sent my best friend the message "since 08:00 yesterday I've been working for 19 hours at this festival without any food. Phone me/message me to cheer me up or get your ass down here to humanely euthanize me." He hasn't answered yet. When I've finished my shift tonight, I will have worked for 24 of the 48 hours I've been in this town. That is a fucking long time.
More good things:
Rufus Wainwright thought we must always feel like we're in a fairy tale with all the beautiful nature around us. No, we don't, Rufus. But I did that night, with that voice going through me, almost making me cry (yes, I'm a crybaby) and making those 24 hours that were still hurting in my bones worth every minute. It was the best concert of the festival to me, and thruly unforgettable.
I removed my lipring that night. Now it's dangleing from the CBR in my ear. I was done with it and just waiting for a good day to take it out on. A positive memory to connect it with, so I didn't 'give it up' but 'retired' it. It feels weird to feel that part of my lip for the first time for three months. My lower lip is bigger than before I pierced it, and I keep biting my lip just like I used to bite my lipring.
It took my parents two days to notice.