Norwegian Wood

Jun 22, 2006 01:04

I wonder if my life had been any different if I had discovered my life-changing bands at an earlyer age. (The list is Silverchair, Pink Floyd, Manic Street Preachers, Seigmen.) Would I be any different? Would I be more fucked up than I am today or less.

This entry is about Norwegian Wood. I have been thinking about wrighting it for a while now, but been too tired to form coherent sentences.

In two words, the festival was FUCING AWESOME. I got to see Roger Waters life, and he did not dissappoint (although I missed the magic that is Gilmore + the guitarist Waters as he stuck to the bass and acoustic guitar).

The rest of the festival was a blur of interesting situations, amusing bands and nice bandmembers, keeping children away from under the tribunes, keeping drugs off the premicis and philosophing in the small breaks we got inbetween.

Conclutions me and my lovely partner S came to during the week:

* Bands practice in the mirror on how they will look on pictures. It's fucking hilarious to watch a band you have seen run around like seven year olds suddenly freeze and look tough when a camera comes.

* Gnarls Bakely or however you spell it are fucking awesome and look cool when holding babies. (The guitarist actually chatted a bit with us. I think he was as bored as we were inbetween the concerts :D)

* Norway is a brilliant country when the crown prince, his wife and adopted son can go to a festival with no other security than two bored cops and some teens without fearing for his life. Marius likes rock.

* Threatening with going into a depression on stage will not make the audience shut up and like your music any more.

* Nothing is more adorable than small children with big ear protection (which BTW comes in the colors pink, yellow and blue).

* By working at a festival and being smart when picking where to join (eg. I choose "center", which is basically "in front of the stage") I got the best placement in the whole place for most of the concerts.

* Nothing is better than backstage, especially when you don't have to slut yourself in (no offence to those who does): free tshirts, free smoke and a whole personal blanket + the best sound ever) (not that good sound does anything for the artist on stage at the moment *shivers*)

* Next year, I'm bringing proper ear plugs (silicone, special made ones that I'm currently trying to make my parents split the cost of with me...).


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