...the one I made for Crystal, that is.
Well, today is Friday (even though yesterday felt like Saturday). I'm trying to get stuff done to get ready for the weekend, and all next week for that matter, but am currently waiting on laundry to be done before I proceed. Other things on my agenda: clean my room, at least organize what I'm going to pack, make sure I have everything, Wal-Mart run for things I don't have, and then meet Hannah Lee and Amy at 6 to go out to dinner and have a fun night with the hall all to ourselves. Yay for THAT!
So I've been feeling WAY anxious about the whole CHAMPS camp thing, but I'm starting to feel more relaxed and am even truly looking forward to it. Last night was our final post-UC meeting where a lot more information was given to us (so at least I SORT of know what I'm doing, as opposed to not at all). It appears I shall be the 3rd and 4th grade leader. My co-leader is Will Hill, coming in from another school. Hopefully we will get along. Our team name is the...something something Skiers. (I can't remember the first part...but it was alliterative...) Why are we skiers? You've got me. Oh yeah...there are 200 PRE-registered. And as far as I know...Will and I are the only 3rd and 4th grade leaders. :/ Hmm...
The best thing Kandice said to me yesterday (spoken very slowly in a 3-year-old's voice): "I was thinking earlier, but it proceeded to give me an ache in the headular area, so I proceeded to desist." Insert uncontrollable laughter (from Kandice) here.
Last night at UC we talked about fasting. Traditionally we think of fasting as giving up food, but really, you can fast from anything that takes your focus away from God. I can certainly think of several things that I could give up. For instance, the constant refreshing of LJ. I don't think I necessarily need to give up the Internet all together - it is a great source of communication. But to spend hours sitting in front of my computer looking at the same five pages over and over again, or just listening to music and playing FreeCell - I'm pretty sure there are much better ways for me to be spending my time. I think the (at least typical) Baptist view of lent is that the season is for Catholics - it's not a part of our religion. But in reality, I can see now the reasons behind it, the importance of making a concious commitment to give something up in order to spend more time focusing on God. So I'm giving up idleness. Sitting around, doing nothing, not making use of my time. And that is going to be SO incredibly hard...but I guess that's the point, right?
I don't know. I'll never pretend to know everything. Although, now that I'm kind of going through this time, I will probably post my spiritual musings every once in a while, but I'll keep it under the cut in case you're not interested. However, if you are, feel free to ask me more or challenge me on my thoughts, I'm open to discussion...