Jan 05, 2011 18:08
You are quiet by the river hearing truth in gentle rest,
I am running to the sunset to find the wonders of the West.
All alone you’re learning much and on my own I’m going far,
But let us come together, love, and be more than what we are.
Let us bend and flex to fit our habits to a single life,
Let us come to be companions, true united man and wife.
Then if your mind becomes too crowded to believe the babbling brook,
I’ll be there to gently calm it with a with-you-always look.
All enfolded by the river we will know the greatest peace,
And the subtlest wisest whispers that the river can release.
And if my legs become too weak to run or I’m too tired,
You’ll be there to carry me and keep me awe inspired.
Restored and racing hand in hand we’ll outpace even the sun,
And reach the red horizon line before our day is done,
And of all the wondrous sights we see and holy truths we ponder,
The greatest one will be the love the grows forever fonder.