Can't get this song out of my head

Feb 12, 2006 18:49

Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
I don't know exactly what it is about the song. It's not just the lyrics. I'm not completely a lyric person, I listen to the flow and the notes of a song more and the words of the chorus more than anything else. It's just such a unique song, very little in terms of instruments, it's mostly synthesized voices and it just rings in my head all the time. I'm totally enthralled by this song.

Also on the list of songs that I can't stop listening to:
Frou Frou - Hear me out
Frou Frou - Let Go
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seak
Sia - Breath Me
Remy Zero - Fair
Iron and Wine - Such Great Heights
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
Dido - Here with me

Partly has to do with my obsession with BSG, especially the whole K/L ship, can't seem to read about of the fanfics pairing those two but I think it's something else too. Can't put my finger on it completely. Imogen Heap has such a haunting voice. Her songs and voice almost remind me of an Irish Singer, same haunting type of quality.

Where are we?
What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to fall
Crop circles in the carpet
Sinking, feeling
Spin me around again
And rub my eyes
This can't be happening
When busy streets
A mess with people
Would stop to hold
Their heads heavy
Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines
All those years
They were here first
Oily marks appear on walls
Where pleasure moments hung before
The takeover
The sweeping insensitivity of this still life
Hide and Seek
Trains and sewing machines (you won't catch me around here)
Blood and Tears
They were here first
Hmm, what'd you say, mmm, that you only meant well?
Well, of course you did.
Hmm, what'd you say? mmm, that it's all for the best?
Of course it is.
Hmm, what'd you say? mmm, that it's just what we need
You decided this?
Hmm, what'd you say, mmm, what did she say?
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Bittersweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you
You don't care a bit, you don't care a bit
(Hide and Seek)
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Bittersweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
Speak no feeling, I don't believe you
(Hide and Seek)[carries on through rest of song]
You don't care a bit, you don't care a bit, you don't care a bit
Oh no, You don't care a bit
Oh no, You don't care a bit
Oh no, You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit <\lj-cut>
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