Jan 19, 2005 21:35
people are nice, I feel bad for doubting them. I shouldn't let the little things get me down. I wish I would have thought a little more. I wouldn't have done it. oh well, it's done. I believe I've had that epiphany moment liz spoke of tonight when we talked. I hope I have. I hope so badly.
I think I will miss radio class tomorrow. yess for missing the class full of jerks who are uber mean and uber l33t, only in their own minds. If I get my room cleaned, I'm hoping liz and I can make a trek to denton. I need some walking around the square, some tea smoothie stuff from that place on fry street, maybe even some money ( that I do not need to spend) spending. eh.
well, people have made me feel better, most without even knowing it. yay for nice people ( I've begun not to care if they are lieing or not, the fact that they care enough to lie is nice enough) yay for a new cd with just a boy playing a guitar singing so lovely that it brings you to tears. yay for bestest friends in the whole wide world. yay for cream soda jones soda with a beautiful label picture.
let's focus on the posotive. <3<3
robbie stares a lot, i think it randy.