Ohai. I'm me. It's been almost a year.

Sep 21, 2009 01:12

So, yeah...

Is anybody still even using this?

Well, in the last year, I've been broadcasting live on BlogTV a ton, I've become a YouTube partner in which I now get $$ for making videos (albeit not much now, but as more people watch... more $$!)

This last summer I goofed off waaaaay too much... like seriously way..

In the 1st 2 weeks of teaching, I have ate differently, worked out more, and drank a crazy amount less than i had before.

I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. Of course, I ended the summer over 3 bills, and now I'm under 3 bills... Thank god I'm a big guy and its easy to hide and shtuff.

I'm currently on a pretty good kick since school came back. Different classes entirely, different adjustments, different everything.

I would like to think that ten weeks will be the best I've had so far. Lets see what I can do to make it that way!!!


Youtube- bigedude33 - Subs:1237 Vid Views:356798
bigedudeReviews : 323 Vid Views:132396

So... almost 500,000 video views. Pretty crazy crap. Probably will hit it after this week with Heroes coming back and everything... wow.

I really have to crash now. I wrote this for myself.

Gotta say, that the last 2 weeks have felt pretty good. I feel like I'm changing for the better, and really taking charge of myself and balancing out my 'over socialization' and 'lushness'... It feels really great...

Peace and be well, whomever reads this.

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