Sep 25, 2007 00:19
Just feeling sore because of my weekend and I had a County music meeting and socialization and then NBC monday night so I didnt get to the gym today...
I feel good, but comprehensive... I understand that the only way to live greatly is to choose something and do it. Of course, history always distorts facts, and it truly doesnt even matter in the long long run as we are totally insignificant in the grand scheme of this place.
Yeah... having one of those types of days again. Life is good, but I'm also thinking at the same time what it is and what it's all about... You know that whole questioning the existance we're presented and junk.
So, to tangent off: Monday's NBC crap that I either DVR'd or caught up.
Chuck: Waaay better than I anticipated. You have the spy shtuff, the hot babe, the Firefly dood and the good hearted Chuck. Could be an interesting show if NBC allows it to stay on... I hear Dancing with the Stars is a bitch to go up against.
Heroes: It's like knowing they have to start somewhere and you have no idea what happened in the last 4 months... Skip this for insta-theories.
Theories: Well, it's obv that Alejandro is 'Haitian like' and he's the reason Maya's powers turn off. Also, we know there are 9 'old school' hero types left. But more importantly, we find that Deveaux, Linderman AND DALLAS PETRELLI had powers and were in the 'supergroup which became the company'.
Nakamura's killer? Well, the first guess is Claude Raines because he's a skinny white dood that the company has pissed off more than once... But, with him in that Seeker movie it's suspect. It's obv not Sylar yet because he ain't all alive yet. Also, it could be Kensei himself because rumor has it that he's like 1000 years old. But then again- everything points to how Sylar was (sure it's just the 1st ep of the new season) - 'The Shrouded Figure' showing 'evil bad stuff'... But that's also how they portrayed HRG forever and look he's a 'good guy'.
Lets see: too obv on the new boy for Claire. Even if you hadn't read any spoilers this was waaaay to easy.
Nathan's 'reflection' - I rewatched twice and it looked like Peter and him- I can't tell and I'm sure somebody will be able to figure it out.
The gold guy: I always liked him in Groundhog Day...
Molly's freakin out!!! We will find out that this dood is waaay worse than Sylar.
'Memory Loss' theme. It will be a big one for Peter obv because that's how they're playing off that whole Ireland thing. Of course, I already know how he's got the Electricity thing because I cheat ;-) But, be sure that Sylar will have some relation to the Petrelli's for certain.
'The Nine remaining' (or now I should say 8). We know 1) is Mama Petrelli. So there are 7 other old school types that have relationships to:
1) Parkman
2) Niki or DL ( Uhura? ;-)
3) Sylar
4) Claires Mommy
5) Isaac
6) Candice
7) Kensei
I could be wrong too: :-) It would make sense that the uber villian is revealed around episode 11 because that's probably where the first 'Origins Hiatus' will be. No word yet on how they will be doing that- hopefully only one hiatus but it makes more sense for either a 4/2 split or a 3/3 split. Either way 11/12th ep should be some good shtuff for finding out about this baddie.
Of course- Hiro must now smack up Kensei and make him a hero- but he'll probably end up in love with the chickee and junk like that. It just makes more sense.
Parkman divorce: Lame plot line to keep him in NY.
Nathan being a wreck: Dude seriously- does he not know wtf happened?
Obv this ep sorta is teh Sux but it had to be- It had to set up a ton more questions and barely answer the other ones (who lives who dies)- It will be obv that DL is dead.
No Niki/Micah. Easy. She had Res Evil shit to do hahaha. No Sylar. Easy- they had to spoil it in previews and will keep this secret prolly until ep 4. Peter- Will be very small the first few eps to develop the Claire and Hiro and 'New Baddie that can see me' stories.
Well okay- so I'm still a freaking junkie.. Whatev.
Next hour:
Initial impressions- some good shit here. Somewhat like a quantum leap that keeps on popping in and out thing. Hopefully he'll understand why/how he's doing it.
Acting was pretty damn good. Premise - San Fran is good. Last few minutes with 'the deck' wow- that's some good shit.
If I had to give a nod to either Chuck or Journeyman it'd be Journeyman. However, Chuck will provide the 'dumb spy fun thrill junk' like McG can bring (wonder if he only did the pilot) It did kind of remind me of a Charlies Angels except with much better acting and story lines. I do like how prior 'influences' affect future influences... Like him saving the guy made sure that the kid was born and survived to save others- that was cool even tho it took a few times to get it worked out.
Great conflict: Dan with the Ex vs Dan with his Wife/Family. Will have some great storyline potentials!
Wow- the power almost went out here a second ago.. too spookyeeeee.
It's way late, and I must sleep tonight.
I guess I'm just one dood trying to make a difference only realizing that I probably wont affect the Time-Space continuum all that much. I guess all I can do is enjoy my life as much as possible for as long as possible... Right?